For preschool and child care PROGRAM MODELS For preschool and child care
MATURATIONIST Schooled according to maturity Selected by tests Example: Rousseau
BEHAVIORIST Motor development not important Achieve academic competencies through language, reading, arithmetic Learning directed and rewarded by adults Structured environment Direct instruction (monitor responses and give feedback Example: Skinner
CONSTRUCTIVIST Children construct their own understanding through experience with different materials, self-direction Individual and small group learning Stimulate in all 4 developmental areas Learning process important not facts Example: Erickson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Reggio Emilia Integrated learning
Montessori 2 years training for a teacher Children select their own activities Absorbed mind, prepared environment, auto education (logical pattern) Children copy reality type activities, they first learn through watching adults and older kids
HEAD START Support poor families from disadvantaged homes Provides services: medical, dental etc.
HILL Study of children Play is learning Creative approach to art and music Individual curriculum (emergent) Happy birthday to you NANE TO NAEYC
FROEBEL Play is the basis for learning Uses finger plays Geared to the individual child Structured approach
PROJECT METHOD Children need directions to acquire skills Teaching and learning are interactive Display finished work, resources convenient Topics determined by a web Has three phases DAP environment and evaluation and assessment included Parents encouraged to be involved