ADHD in the classroom Nora McNamara MD
ADHD diagnosis rates by state
ADHD medical treatments Stimulant medications Methylphenidate Mixed amphetamine salts Alpha-2-agonists Clonidine Guanfacine Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors Atomoxetine Dasotraline
ADHD symptom clusters Inattention (Default Mode Network) Impulsivity (Inhibition systems/frontoparietal) Hyperactivity (Somatomotor)
Stroop Test fMRI study (Peters0n et al 2009)
Meta-analysis of fMRI studies of ADHD/neurotypical controls (Cortese et al 2012)
How Montessori prepared environments support children Movement Kinetic/manipulative materials Inhibition practice in the Casa Grace and Courtesy Handwork 3 hour work cycle Classroom “systems”
Additional Supports Alternative seating Mindfulness training Noise cancelling headphones Metacognition presentations Practical life: Heavy Collaborative Problem Solving