Circular Economy in Horizon 2020


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Presentation transcript:

Circular Economy in Horizon 2020 Marco Falzetti – APRE Director

Overview of the presentation Circular Economy in Horizon 2020 – overview APRE’s activities - overview APRE as NCP Host Institution APRE support for the applicants NCPs CaRE: Partner Search, News and Workshop

Circual Economy Concept Explanation of the rule of the cic. Economy – it involves co-design, co-creation, not only recycling (which can be considered a the lat step but nnot the main step)

Circular Economy in Horizon 2020 Excellent science European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions European Research Infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures Industrial leadership Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Information and Communication Technologies Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology Space Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs The SME Instrument The Eurostars programme Societal challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens. ICT – co-creation of products Fast Track to Innovation Pilot (2015-2016) Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for Society European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Euratom 28/06/2016

25 years of experience WHAT IS APRE? Italian non-profit research organisation (PRIVATE) 1989 - created as a “Task Force” of the Ministry of Education, University and Research MISSION Promoting and supporting Italian participation to the EU Research and Innovation programmes (R&I) Improve the “Quality” of the Italian participation in European programmes for R&I. On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR), APRE aims at providing infomation, support and assistance on the participation in the European programs of research and Innovation to publlic and private entities, as well as individuals. Hosts the National Contact Point (NCP) network. The final aim of the experience is to increase the access of national (Italian) entities to European R&D funds through increasing their participation to European-funded projects. This aim is pursued through different support activities, described below.

APRE‘s services Information and Awareness Raising Advising and Assisting INFORMATION Conferences News Alert Website ( Publications - Public info-days on European programmes and existing opportunities. APRE, in collaboration with European and Italian representative of the institutions, illustrates and explains call contents and priorities, EU research policies, opportunities for researchers international career opportunities and training, etc. - Brokerage events. APRE organizes a number of thematic brokerage events at the national and regional level (through its regional branches). These events are normally organised within and through the framework of the EU Coordination and Support actions APRE is partner with. Many of these projects are NCP networks. - Setup of specific information and communication systems, notably public newsletters, and weekly dedicated news for APRE’s associated members in order to reach-out to a widespread constituency. - Publication of monographic dossier focused on specific aspects of European R&D funding programmes, written by researchers and sector experts. TRAINING (including webinars) European R&I programmes How to be a good external evaluator of EC How to write a successful proposal How to be a good coordinator How to disseminate research results Administrative and Legal Aspects ASSISTANCE Assistance prior to the beginning of the project and … after Identification of research topics Eligibility check of the proposal Revision of proposals Assistance in the use of SEP System Partner search service Signposting and Feedback Training

APRE as NCP Host Institution Explanation what NCP is (its role and main objectives, etc.) NCP tasks: Informing, awareness raising Advising and assisting Training Signposting and Feedback Source: “Guiding principles for setting up systems of National Contact Points (NCP systems) for the Seventh EU Framework Programme on Research and Technological Development (FP7)”, EC

Identikit of NCPs in APRE Italy has 26 registered NCPs by the Commission. Full time job Most areas have 2 or 3 NCPs assigned Knowledge in EU/international Policies and EU Research and Innovation Policies 28 - 40 years old Skills: Project Management, project drafting, trainer skills, public speaking, law background economic background, socio economic and business skills; A few Key expertise in Engineering, and life sciences

How APRE supports applicants in circular economy Support to consolidate the idea Support to indetify the right call Partner search support Indication of relevant documentation and policy considerations to be taken into account Pre-evalutation (pre screening)

Stakeholder integration Co-design & Co-creation Responsible Research and Innovation Societal actors work together to align research and results with the values, needs and expectations of society. Public engagement Iterative/participatory multi-actor dialogues to co-create research and innovation outcomes and policy agendas. Trans-disciplinarity Methodologies that integrate scientific disciplines, and non-academic and non-formalized knowledge. Stakeholder integration is an important element of call topics running throughout the work programme and co-creation of knowledge and co-delivery of outcomes with economic, industrial and research actors, public authorities and/or civil society is key for systemic innovation. Although it depends on the nature of the call topic and project, stakeholders should generally be integrated in a participatory approach rather than one-way consultation. A truly co-create project means stakeholders should be involved from the conception of the idea/proposal to steer the agenda and get a good understanding of the needs of users There are three components relevant to Co-design and co-creation: The cross-cutting objective in H2020 of RRI - Responsible Research and Innovation means that societal actors work together during the whole research and innovation process in order to better align both the process and its outcomes, with the values, needs and expectations of European society. That means public engagement and a sustained two-way dialogue between science and civil society. Public engagement implies the establishment of iterative and participatory multi-actor dialogues to foster mutual understanding and co-create research and innovation outcomes and policy agendas. It is about bringing on board researchers, policy makers, industry and civil society organisations and NGO, and citizens, to deliberate on matters of science and technology. PE also creates the space for ethical value-laden issues to be explored, while bringing inclusiveness, transparency, diversity, and creativity into the R&I process. A transdisciplinary perspective is necessary for systemic innovation integrating technology, business models and economic organisation, finance, governance and regulation as well as skills and social innovation.

NCPs CaRE Partner search tool News (including articles and fact sheets about circular economy and related events) Workshop for SME’s on ‘How to write a good proposal’ url: