Tiziana Ferrari, INFN CNAF CNAF, 05-06 Febbraio 2009 La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative Tiziana Ferrari, INFN CNAF CNAF, 05-06 Febbraio 2009
Outline Introduction about the EGI_DS project EGI business model Tasks and related manpower requirements La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
The Euroepan Grid Initiative
Project Information Title: European Grid Initiative Design Study Budget: 3 872 425 € EC Contribution: 2 497 000 € Starting date: September 1st, 2007 Duration: 27 months Total man power: 299.25 PMs Coordinator: CESNET, Czech Republic (since July 1st, 2008) http://www.eu-egi.eu La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
Project Partners CESNET (coordinator): CESNET, zajmove sdruzeni pravnickych osob (Czech Republic) GRNET: Greek Research and Technology Network S.A. (Greece) INFN: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy) CSC: CSC - TIETEELLINEN LASKENTA OY (Finland) LMU: Ludwig Maximillian Universitaet (Germany) CERN: European Organization for Nuclear Research (Switzerland) DNF: Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes - DFN-Verein (Germany) STFC: Science & Technology Facilities Council (UK) CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) GUP (former coordinator): Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz (Austria) La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
Goal of EGI Design Study Design of a new organizational model of a sustainable pan-European Grid infrastructure – the Blueprint Securing the endorsement of the proposed design – PB Meeting in January 2009 Preparation and setup of the new organization – e.g. the EGI.org bid La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
Interactions EGEE PRACE meeting in Lyon (during ICT) CERN involvement Extensive involvement of EGEE staff in the Blueprint and D3.1 deliverable Agreement on input for the transition deliverable (EGEE DNA1.4 and other material from EGEE) PRACE meeting in Lyon (during ICT) Discussion on relationship between EGI, PRACE and DEISA CERN involvement A short meeting (EGI PD and new CERN RD) January 14th New CERN management explicit support for EGI More emphasis on ESFRI projects as the major users of the future EGI infrastructure Leverage current EGEE activities La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI Basic Elements EGI = EGI.org + NGIs EGI.org a coordinating body NGIs basic sustainable actors No middleware development within EGI However, middleware maintenance included Middleware consortia: gLite (in progress), ARC, UNICORE La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI Management/Governance EGI.org EGI Director Non-voting Representatives extra-EU NGIs, Chair of UFSC, … Associate Members e.g. EIROforum member, … Members NGI1, NGI2, NGI3, … NGIn EGI Council EGI Advisory Committees e.g. Middleware Coordination Board (MCB) User Forum Steering Committee (UFSC) User Forum (UF) Middleware Unit Administration & PR Unit Operations Unit User Community Services CTO Middleware Maintenance CAO Admin & PR UCO User Coordination COO Operations La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
Funding National and Institutional funding for research infrastructures EC funding International coordination International activities Innovation Start up phase National co-funding of these activities La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI.org Costs (in FTE/a) Resources for EGI.org Costs for EGI.org Costs (in FTE/a) Operations 17 Middleware interfaces and final certification 8 User Community Services 11 External Liaison Functions 4 EGI.org Management and Administration Total 51 La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI Financial Reference Model NGI International tasks Middleware maintenance EGI.org Total Operations User services Costs EGI Effort (FTEs) 225 110 70 51 EGI costs (M€/year) 20.25 9.90 6.30 4.59 41 Income NGI membership fees (M€/year) 1,0 1 EC Contribution (M€/year) 10.125 4.95 3.15 1.80 20 NGI, Middleware consortia and EIRO/ESFRI co-funding Contribution (M€/year) La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
“Average medium sized NGI” Funding view of NGI 600 k€ EC Funding National Co-Funding NGI “Average medium sized NGI” EGI.org Membership Fees 30 k€ La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI Business Model
EGI e-infrastructure 1/2 EGI e-Infrastructure components: distributed resources funded and owned by national resource providers (computing, storage, network, data, …) the technical interoperable Grid services installed and operated at the Grid resource sites RC RC Regional/ Institutional Grid RC RC RC RC RC EGI E-Infrastructure Regional/ Institutional Grid RC RC NGI RC NGI RC NGI La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI e-infrastructure 2/2 EGI e-Infrastructure components (cont): the Grid middleware distribution and the testbeds for the its certification and integration the NGI operational services (accounting, monitoring, help desk, etc.) the set of common policies and rules for the secure usage and sharing of the available resources and data La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI Actors National Grid Initiatives and the related national Resource Providers European Research Organizations EGI.org Middleware consortia EGI Users National Research Institutions: Universities, Research Laboratories, National Research Organizations…. Research Teams operating across Europe and organized into pan-European Virtual Organizations (VOs) La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI Offer Secure sharing of ICT resources through common software tools of the partner Organizations’ “local” IT resources distributed among different administrative domains primary mandatory purpose: satisfy the research communities is the enabling of intra-VO sharing, i.e. the possibility to get uniform standard access to the distributed pool of resources allocated to a given VO but from independent administration domains in addition: cross-VO sharing promoting the real general standardization of the resource and data sharing mechanisms to satisfy the demand of resource teams that do not own (neither directly nor indirectly) resources, but that are willing to pay for the uniform access to a certain amount of distributed resources Unified Middleware Distribution User community services (e.g. application porting support, training) Helpdesk Resource brokerage (for smaller Research Teams, optional) La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
EGI Added Value Research teams Resource providers Funding agencies: availability of an enabling pan-European infrastructure easier establishment of multi-disciplinary projects Resource providers more resources consumed thanks to a larger pool of international customers thanks to a progressively unified mw solution (e.g. scavenger service for utilization of idle resources) increased revenue sharing of operational efforts and costs Funding agencies: National level: better global return for the money invested by the funding bodies for the procurement of ICT resources, pushing for the creation of global pools based on a well defined certified set of services International level: better return from past EC investments La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
Customer relationship User NGI support gathers the new requirements and brings them up to the attention of the international community through EGI.org User Resource Provider service level agreements fees for services the NGI and the Resource Provider form a national business alliance to jointly develop and “sell” a specific national marketplace solution La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
Tasks and related Manpower Requirements
NGI tasks: national vs international 1/2 NGI international tasks aimed at allowing the sharing of the national IT resources at pan-European and international level in a uniform, robust, and seamless way, and at supporting the international application communities Operations and security User community services NGI national tasks tasks each NGI performs for supporting the national grid infrastructure and the national users and application communities EGI.org Coordination tasks to be run centrally Other tasks can be distributed to NGIs La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
NGI tasks: national vs international 2/2 La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
IGI International tasks? Question: what manpower for which activities in IGI? According to the EGI blueprint: “NGIs will contribute to the international tasks to a different extent, their co-funding will reflect their commitment to the EGI international tasks. The effort to be dedicated to these is in principle proportional to the amount of IT resources, number of sites and users that will be part of each NGI and involved in the international activities.” three categories: small, medium, large Italy is a candidate large NGI (according to the current number of Grid users, number of sites and amount of resources) La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
NGI International tasks in EGI: Overview Operations and security operation of tools and Grid core services, such as Grid configuration repositories, accounting repositories, monitoring and alarm systems, dashboards, portal; and: WMS, VOMS, FTS, etc. user and Grid site manager support: operation of regional trouble ticketing system interfaced to a central helpdesk, 1st and 2nd line support, monitoring shifts, dispatching of trouble tickets to the corresponding Support Units and sites, maintenance of the helpdesk tools to satisfy new user requirements security policy development and maintenance, security and incident response development and maintenance of operational tools middleware roll-out and deployment, middleware pilot and certification testbeds, resource allocation and of brokering support for VOs from NGIs, interoperations between NGIs, network support User community services gathering requirements from user communities review of external sw packages needed by application developers establishing science gateways application database event organization (fora, training events,...), documentation specific services to support new VOs Specialized Support Centres (SSC) - with contribution from various NGIs - for coordinated support to new users and scientific discipline clusters La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative
NGI International tasks in EGI: Effort NGI resources for Operations and Security: Unità IGI “Gestione - servizi operativi e controllo infrastruttura” about 22 FTE () NGI resources for User Community Services (UCS): Unità IGI “Formazione e disseminazione” about 8 FTE (4 general UCS + 4 SSCs) TOTAL estimated: 30 FTE La Grid dopo EGEE-III: European Grid Initiative e Italian Grid Initiative