The President
Qualifications 35 years old Natural-born citizen* Living here for 14 years
Stats- Demographics 98% white 100% male 98% Protestant (all but JFK) Occupations- many lawyers Salary- $400,000
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FDR 1932 1936 1940 1944
22nd Amendment. The 22nd Amendment Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. ______________________________________.
Presidential Succession Vice President (Joe Biden) Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan) Pres. Pro Tempore Senate (Orrin Hatch) Secretary of State (John Kerry) Remainder of Cabinet Positions in order of Creation
When is Succession Necessary? Death of President John Tyler - death of William Henry Harrison Millard Fillmore - death of Zachary Taylor Harry Truman - death of Franklin Roosevelt John Calvin Coolidge - death of Warren G Harding Assassination Andrew Johnson - assassination of Abraham Lincoln Chester Arthur - assassination of James Garfield Theodore Roosevelt - assassination of William McKinley Lyndon Johnson - assassination of John Kennedy
When is Succession Necessary? Resignation Gerald Ford - resignation of Richard Nixon Incapacitation- 25th amendment George Bush for Ronald Reagan for 8 hours
25th Amendment VP BECOMES PRESIDENT Defines process by which President may be deemed incapacitated
Impeachment Process House needs a majority vote to “impeach” the President. Sends Articles of Impeachment to Senate. Senate conducts trial presided over by Chief Justice 2/3 Senate vote required to “convict” the President
Clinton’s Impeachment House Votes to Impeach 228-206 vote (perjury) 221-212 vote (obstruction of justice) Senate Votes to Acquit (67 to convict) 45-55 (perjury) 50-50 (obstruction of justice)
Presidential Stand-Outs 1st President
Presidential Stand-Outs Only President to Serve More than 2 terms
Presidential Stand-Outs Only President to Resign
Presidential Stand-Outs Only President never elected President or VP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roles of President 1. Chief Executive 2. Chief Diplomat 3. Commander in Chief 4. Legislative Leader 5. Head of State 6. Economic Leader 7. Party Leader
Scenario 1 Woodrow Wilson in 1918 met with world leaders in Versailles to discuss the end of WWI and write a treaty. Which role?
Scenario 2 President Bush (R) endorsed Arlen Spector’s (R) reelection as a PA senator. Which role?
Scenario 3 In 2009, Obama announced an $835 billion stimulus plan to fight the Great Recession. Which role?
Scenario 4 Kennedy sends national guard troops to University of Alabama when Governor Wallace refuses to allow the admittance of two black students despite the 1954 Brown v. Board decision. Which role?
Scenario 5 Bush attends ceremony in Belgium to commemorate the 60th anniversary of V-E Day. Which role?
Scenario 6 Bush calls on Congress to develop and pass a comprehensive Energy Bill. Which role?
Scenario 7 The 1st Bush orders troops to defend Kuwait against invading Iraqis. Which role?
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Questions?? 1. Chief Executive 2. Chief Diplomat 3. Commander in Chief 4. Legislative Leader 5. Head of State 6. Economic Leader 7. Party Leader
Presidential Powers Criminal Justice Domestic International
Criminal Justice Pardon-forgiveness of a crime Amnesty- pardoning a group of people Reprieve- temporary postponement of punishment Commutation- shorten a sentence
Domestic Veto Executive Order- carries the weight of law without going through the legislative process
International Treaty- requires 2/3 Senate approval Executive Agreement- does not require Senate approval Recognition- formal acceptance of a state’s existence and opening of diplomatic relations
Heads of Executive Departments and VP Obama’s Cabinet Heads of Executive Departments and VP
Obama’s Cabinet Department of State- foreign affairs Attorney General- head of Justice Department
Federal Bureaucracy 500+ 2.7 million employees (non-military) Departments (15) Agencies Commissions Corporations 2.7 million employees (non-military)
Roles of President 1. Chief Executive 2. Chief Diplomat 3. Commander in Chief 4. Legislative Leader 5. Head of State 6. Economic Leader 7. Party Leader
Vice President 12th Amendment- separate vote for VP *was 2nd place finisher in electoral college Constitutional Jobs President of the Senate Succeed President when necessary
P. Obama with V.P. McCain
Vice President 12th Amendment- separate vote for VP *was 2nd place finisher in electoral college Constitutional Jobs President of the Senate Succeed President when necessary
Short FRQ Tomorrow It will either be the CHAIN REACTION starting with Money Market or Loanable Funds Market Investment Demand AD/AS
Electoral College 538 total 270 to win
Which state is most over-represented in the Electoral College Which state is most over-represented in the Electoral College? California Tennessee Wyoming Maryland
How many states have contributed electoral votes in all 56 presidential elections? 7 10 13 16
What is the fewest number of states one can win and still be elected President? 11 23 25 26
California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina and New Jersey
What state has the longest winning streak for voting for the candidate that ends up being elected President? Arkansas Missouri Ohio Tennessee
2000 Election 50,456,002 47.87% 50,999,897 48.38%