Microparticle analysis by flow cytometry: principles and pitfalls Nicolas Bailly, Pr François Mullier, Pr Bernard Chatelain CHU Dinant-Godinne UCL Namur, Belgium Insérer lieu et endroit
The size range of microvesicles is from 30nm to 1μm Figure 2 Size ranges of membrane vesicles (Adapted from B.Gyorgy and colleagues (11)). Exosomes share size distribution with viruses. Microparticles overlap in size with bacteria and protein aggregates (i.e immune complexes). The MV nomenclature is still a mattter of debate since there is no consensus on size distribution. That’s why I will use the term microvesicles throughout this presentation if not otherwise specified Adapted from B.Gyorgy and coll. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2011 2
Some characteristics They include a variable amount of phosphatidylserine on their surface They have multiple origin and often express the same clusters of differenciation that the original cell Platelets MicroParticles (PMP) are CD41+, CD9+,… Erythrocyte derived MicroParticles are CD235a+ ……………………… Microparticles may be derived from activation or apoptosis JM. Freyssinet, F.Toti. Thrombosis Research 2010
Functions Procoagulant activity Pro Inflammatory activity Substrate for the binding with the coagulation’s factors. By expressing tissue factor Pro Inflammatory activity Involved in cell’s survival Interaction and communication with other cells Transmembrane Receptor RNAmessenger MicroRNA PL.Gross. Blood 2012
Applications Cancer: Sepsis Hemostasis: Hematology: Thrombotic risk, cell survival, invasiveness,.. Sepsis Hemostasis: Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia Hematology: Hereditary Spherocytosis, PNH,...
What are the available techniques?
Techniques available Flow Cytometry Nanoparticles Tracking Analysis Impedance based FCM Dynamic Light Scattering Electronic Microscopy Atomic Force Microscopy Functionnal Tests
Flow cytometry Requires cell suspension Hydrofocusing of cells Cells are hit by a laser Measurement of scatter Measurement of fluorescence Light is transformed in electrons PMT/PD We measure a « pulse » in volt by time
We use submicron beads (i. e We use submicron beads (i.e. Megamix, Megamix+) to define the area of interest Once calibrated, we could run the samples
Actual sensitivity of FCM Reminder: 100nm < MP < 1000nm Current FCM’s limits of detection: > 500nm > 300nm >100nm 1000nm 500nm 100nm
Advantages & disadvantages of flow Cytometry Absolute Counting Beads, flow rate,… Cellular origin Antibodies Low cost and availability User friendly Possible standardization Limited Sensitivity (not on new generation of instrument) Detectable differences Between biological material and beads, calibrators,… Poor informations regarding activity
Comparison of techniques Flow Cytometry Impedance FCM AFM Dynamic Light Scattering Nanotrack Analyser Functionnal tests Electronic Microscopy Accuracy and sensitivity (+) ++(+) +++ ++ Specificity (cell. Orig.) AcMo +(+) + - (functions) Practicability and costs -+ A combination of methods is required for a full study of MVs
What are the pitfalls… …and how to avoid them?
Pitfall 1 : Size In Flow Cytometry, the size is mainly associated to the Forward Scatter What’s the Forward Scatter? FL1 FL4 SSC FL2 FL3 FSC
Pitfall 1 : Size Forward Scatter is the RELATIVE size The perception of the FSC depends on many parameters: Refractive Index Kind of beads/standards Collection angle
Pitfall 1 : Size ≠ Polarized light Non Polarized Light MPs MPs closer to 0.5µm than 0.9 MPs closer to 0.9µm BD Influx BD AccuriC6
Pitfall 1 : Size Mainly depends on refractive index How to solve the problem Use calibration material with the same refractive index as microparticles Use mathematical/physical tool to extrapolate the relative size This solution is currently under study by an International team (see ISTH Workshop called exometry) Standardization efforts allows you to mesure the same population on different cytometers
Pitfall 2 : Pre-analytical steps As with many laboratory tests: importance of pre-analytical steps! The steps between sample collection and FCM analysis can change everything Many different points of the preanalytical steps could affect the MP analysis: Needle & tourniquet Anticoagulant(EDTA, Citrate, CTAD, Heparine,…) Tube haulage (vertical, horizontal, pneumatic system,..) Sample type (PFP, whole blood,…) Time and delay Between sampling and centrifugation step(s) Between centrifugation step and analysis Centrifugation (speed, time, temperature, brake,…)
Pitfall 2 : Pre-analytical steps Solution: Standardization!!!!
Pitfall 2 : Pre-analytical steps Not only specific for Flow Cytometry These piftalls are encountered also for several methods AFM TEM … …
Pitfall 3 : signal detectors Photodiode Most of the instrument FSC = Photodiode SSC = PMT Some instruments allows a double measurement of the FSC by using Photodiode PMT When available, use PMT as detector for FSC Could be compensate by High Dynamic Range PMT BD Fortessa
Pitfall 4: signal’s measuring parameter A signal could be measured on Height of the peak Area of the peak Width of the peak For small events Work on primary signal = Height of the peak Height = Maximum Digitized Value of the Pulse Area: Sum of all pulse heights Width: Scaled Area Divided by height
Pitfall 4: signal’s measuring parameter Area Height BD FACSCanto BD FACSAria
Pitfall 5: Fluidic Noise Sheath must be filtered Use of a 0.22 vs 0.10μ filter? Some filters generate more noise. Impact of the noise? Electronic Abort Lack of resolution Possible free fluorescence How to decrease the noise? Sedimentation!
Pitfall 5: Fluidic Noise Few instruments are able to perform the acquisition of the sheath Sheath filtered at 0.22µm Six hours of sedimentation Decreasing of general noise: 75% BD Influx
Pitfall 6: Free Fluorescence Use of procedure without washing steps Free fluorescence is possible PE +++ Possibility of antibodies aggregates (Immune complex) Solution: centrifugation of the antibodies 15,0000g x 10’ @ 4°C (Current Protocols of Cytometry – Titering Antibodies – Unit 4.1) 13,0000g x 2’
Pitfall 6: Free Fluorescence Core Stream Core Stream Laser
Pitfall 6: Free Fluorescence Without centrifugation With centrifugation BD AccuriC6
Pitfall 7: Flow Rate An increase of the flow rate has an impact on the resolution between two populations of small events BD FACSAria
Quality Control Each lab test needs QC How to know if my FCM is able to measure microparticles? How to compare performance from differents instruments What is the impact of weak performances on the counting of microparticles?
Separation Index Adaptation of a mathematical parameter Use of Megamix beads (Biocytex) as reference beads What are the interests?
Instrument monitoring November 2009 February 2010 April 2010 S.I. : 14.6 S.I. : 11.2 S.I. : 6.3 Daily monitoring of the instrument LJ graphs Define the need of maintenance Sensitivity required > WBC sensitivity May 2010 July2010 S.I. : 3.4 S.I. : 1.8 S.I. : 10.9 Maintenance Lymphocyte QC = OK
Day by day following of an Accuri C6 Time (weeks)
Perspective and future Biological Standard: Bacteria? Lipidic emulsion? Generic labelling Antibody? Protein? QC Separation Index Technological improvement: Manufacturer’s duty
Perspective - TOF Refractive Index is our best ennemy Is it possible to be independant of R.I.? Yes! How? Remember: On (nearly) every instrument: -width parameter is calculated It could be measured Height = Maximum Digitized Value of the Pulse Area: Sum of all pulse heights Width: Scaled Area Divided by height
Perspective - TOF The –Width parameter could be measured Witdh is… Time Of Flight Actually, only the Accuri C6 measures the width Threshold of detection Laser Δ Time Time In Time Out
Perspective - TOF Time Of Flight: Time (in µs) it takes for a particles to cross the threshold
Perspective - TOF Get the real size, independent of material Define area of interest by size Get better separation of small particles
Take Home Message Know your instrument, its possibility and limits Don’t think with a conventional FCM mind: flow cytometry for small events shake up some principles Standardization
Take Home Message Flow cytometry offers: To be followed… Reliable & low cost techniques for MP counting and characterization. Multi(colors) characterization (up to 4-5 antibodies). Rapidity: 2 minutes of analysis could be enough Very affordable techniques A lot of laboratory uses it A lot of improvement are/will be done in the previous/next few years A lot of scientific societies are working for an harmonization of the technique To be followed…
Support from scientific societies ISEV + Researchagte
Acknowledgments Thanks For Your Attention Mont-Godinne (Belgique) Pr François Mullier Pr Bernard Chatelain Yvan Cornet Marseille (France) Pr Romaric Lacroix Dr Philippe Poncelet Pr Françoise Dignat-George Students/Grants Dr Berangère Devalet Damien Gheldof Adeline Wannez Peter Engel (data on Time Of Flight), Jolita Hendriksen (BD BeNeLux) and all the Applications Engineer