General Education Assessment


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Presentation transcript:

General Education Assessment Professor Benita Hunter, Professor Tabatha Robinson Dr. Keith M. McCoy, Vice President August 18, 2016

Assessment Overview Assessment Plan Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Department Breakouts Fall 2016 Pilot Assessment

Assessment Process by which we measure student achievement of learning outcomes or attainment of aptitude.

Assessment Assessment can… Answer questions about the learning of individual students Be used to determine the effectiveness of a single course, program, or institution Association of American Colleges and University. (2005). Levels of Assessment: From the Student to the Institution.

Assessment Overview Assessment Plan Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Department Breakouts Fall 2016 Pilot Assessment

General Education Outcomes Communicate using Standard American English. Evaluate the moral, ideological, or intellectual viewpoints of diverse peoples or institutions. (Human Diversity Outcome) Prepare a document using digital technologies, such as a word processor, spreadsheet, or presentation display software (e.g. PowerPoint). Evaluate a proposed solution to a local, national, or global issue. Produce an original piece of work demonstrating creativity. Developed October 2011

Daley Program Assessment Plan

Assessment Overview Assessment Plan Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Department Breakouts Fall 2016 Pilot Assessment

Fa15 & Sp16 Program Assessment Assessed: Communicate using Standard American English. Evaluate the moral, ideological, or intellectual viewpoints of diverse peoples or institutions. (Human Diversity Outcome)

Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Characteristics Administered Fall 2015: Monday - Thursday, November 16 - 19, 2015 Spring 2016: Monday - Thursday, April 18 – April 21, 2016 During Assessment Week Students completing assessment promised a free transcript Professor Hunter & Robinson proctored assessment for approximately 3-4 hours each day Students were assessed in 1105 and were provided with lunch Sample: (1) Convenience Sample, (2) Potential Fall 2015/Spring 2016 Graduates, (3) Varying Associate Degree Completers, and (4) N=8 (Fall 2014) & N=8 (Spring 2016).

Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Instrument Housed in Blackboard Shell Administered using a written prompt Asked questions to elicit responses that could be used to measure student achievement of program outcomes (SLO 1 & 2) Used a rubric (checklist) to evaluate student responses.

Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Instrument

Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Rubric – SLO 1 Uses end punctuation, such as periods, question marks, and exclamation points, correctly? Uses commas correctly? Uses apostrophes correctly? Avoids sentence fragments? Avoids run-on sentences? Avoids confused diction? Uses capitalization correctly? Uses spelling correctly? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO

Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Rubric – SLO 2 Identifies two opposing arguments? Provides supporting evidence for each argument? Identifies at least one pro for each argument? Identifies at least one con for each argument? Makes a decision on which argument to support? Provides a justification for decision? Cites sources appropriately using MLA or APA formats? Organizes work in a logical and coherent manner? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO

Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 Assessment Student Examples Example 1 (Spring 2016) Example 2 (Fall 2015)

Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Rubric Evaluation Benchmark: 75% Achieve Task Criteria Met Unmet 2. Uses commas correctly? 6% 94% 5. Avoids run-on sentences? 31% 69% 6. Avoids confused diction? 25% 75% 8. Uses spelling correctly? Identifies two opposing arguments? 56% 44% 10. Provides supporting evidence for each argument? 38% 62% 11. Identifies at least one pro for each argument? 12. Identifies at least one con for each argument? 15. Cites sources appropriately using MLA or APA formats? 16. Organizes work in a logical and coherent manner 13% 87%

Fa15 & Sp16 vs. Spring 2013 Assessment Rubric Evaluation Benchmark: 75% Achieve Task Criteria Met SP13 (N=109) FY16 (N=16) 2. Uses commas correctly? 27% 6% 3. Uses apostrophes correctly? 54% 88% 5. Avoids run-on sentences? 53% 31% 6. Avoids confused diction? 32% 25% 8. Uses spelling correctly? 39% 69% Identifies two opposing arguments? NA 56% 9. Identify the defendant? 48% 10. Provides supporting evidence for each argument? 38% 10. Identify the plaintiff? 11. Identifies at least one pro for each argument? 12. Identifies at least one con for each argument? 15. Cites sources appropriately using MLA or APA formats? 16. Organizes work in a logical and coherent manner 13% 16. Organize their statement in a logical and coherent manner? 63%

Sp13 Treatment Embed into Developmental Education Initiative modules a requirement to: Reconstruct sentences from readings by inserting correct punctuation and capitalization.

Next Steps Discuss Intervention based on Fa15-Sp16 results Mechanics continues to be an issue Students continue to have problems with making cogent arguments on an issue

Assessment Overview Assessment Plan Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Department Breakouts Fall 2016 Pilot Assessment

Departmental Assessment Strategies Complete the Daley College Course Assessment Planning Matrix Develop strategies for both fall 2016 & spring 2017 semesters Report Out & Receive Peer Feedback Edit or revise based on feedback, if necessary Submit plans to Assessment Tri-chairs who will copy and email to Department Chair

Assessment Overview Assessment Plan Fa15 & Sp16 Assessment Department Breakouts Fall 2016 Pilot Assessment

Fall 2016 Pilot Assessment Assess student learning outcome 3: Prepare a document using digital technologies, such as a word processor, spreadsheet, or presentation display software (e.g. PowerPoint).

Fall 2016 Pilot Assessment Determine the type of data needed to address the SLO(s). Identify the assessment instrument(s) needed, and the types of analyses required. Pilot assessment(s) during Fall 2016.

Fall 2016 Pilot Assessment Assessment linked to fall degree completers. Assessment week: November 7 - 11 Assessment/Evaluation committee meetings TBD. Volunteers sought for two-hour commitment Assist with proctoring during assessment week

THANK YOU Daley on the move!

Student Example 1

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