Mrs Baird/Mr Cheesman – 4B Miss Agnew – 4A Mrs Hammond – 4H Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Baird/Mr Cheesman – 4B Miss Agnew – 4A Mrs Hammond – 4H
Approach to Learning Give it a go!!
Wild World Weather Maps Climate States of Matter Electricity
Terrible Tudors Battle of Bosworth Timelines Henry VIII The Wives Sound and Music
Blackheath vs The Amazon - Contrasting localities - Living things and their habitats
Maths Using and applying mathematics Investigation and reasoning Counting and understanding number Knowing and using number facts Calculating Understanding shape Measuring
Active maths Raises attitudes to maths Raises attainment in maths Increases levels of physical activity Inspires and motivates Improves confidence, self-esteem and behaviour Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle
English Writing Speaking and Listening Reading Cross curricular TARGETS!!!
Science States of matter Sound Habitats Electricity Animals including humans
Computing Laptops and Learnpads Cross curricular DB Primary Timetabled slot each week Programming skills Scratch Laptops and Learnpads
PE kit
The Birds and the Bees
Art/DT Food and Nutrition Catapults Tudor pouches Sketchup
Trips Residential Trip Hooke Court 11th – 13th July Other Trips and Events Hampton Court Royal Grammar School St Mary’s Church Mosque Blackheath
Homework! Reading every day Tuesday – Maths (for Thursday) 20 mins Thursday – Writing (for Monday) 20 mins