The New Monarchies: 15c – 16c
Characteristics of the New Monarchies They offered the institution of monarchy as a guarantee of law and order. They proclaimed that hereditary monarchy was the legitimate form of public power all should accept this without resistance. They enlisted the support of the middle class in the towns tired of the local power of feudal nobles. They would have to get their monarchies sufficiently organized & their finances into reliable order.
Characteristics of the New Monarchies They would break down the mass of feudal, inherited, customary, or “common” law in which the rights of the feudal classes were entrenched. The kings would MAKE law, enact it by his own authority, regardless of previous custom or historic liberties What pleases the prince has the force of law!
England stability under the Tudors France consolidation of power. Spain unification by marriage. HR Empire different model: the cost of decentralization.
The Tudors of England
The Saga of the Tudor Family
King Henry VII
Margaret Tudor [to Scotland], Henry VIII’s Sister
Arthur, Prince of Wales [1500] Young Henry VIII
Young Catherine of Aragon
Henry VIII [r. 1509-1547]
Mary I [28 years old]
Henry VIII’s CHildren 1510 Daughter - died 1511 Son - died 1513 Son - died 1514 Son - died 1516 Mary - survived 1518 Daughter - died 1533 Elizabeth - survived 1534 Son - died 1535 unknown - died 1536 Son - died 1537 Edward - survived
Queen Elizabeth I [1546]
Henry’s Deathbed
Edward VU
Edward VU [r. 1547-1553]
“Ruled” England from July 10–19, 1553 Lady Jane Grey “Ruled” England from July 10–19, 1553
Queen Mary I or “Bloody Mary” [r. 1553 – 1558]
Philip II & Mary Tudor
Elizabeth I, Queen at last! r. 1558 - 1603
Elizabeth I [1603]
Elizabethan Era- Last Tudor A politique who balanced a personal predilection for Catholic theology with Protestant rule because it made her succession legitimate and pleased her subjects. She was able to sustain a permanent Protestant settlement in England. She will never marry and cause a controversy on who should be next… (Horrible Histories) You need to be able to UNDERSTAND the cultural, religious, Economic, Social, and Political changes DURING HER REIGN!
Problems during Elizabethan Era Foreign Policy Problems during Elizabethan Era
Map of the Spanish Armada Route =Decline of Spain…
Mary of Scotland’s Parents James V of Scotland Mary of Guise
Young Mary Stuart
Mary, Queen of Scots
Mary Stuart in Captivity
Execution of Mary of Scotland
James I [r. 1603 - 1625]
Great Britain emerged as a richer and more influential nation during the seventeenth century because of Elizabeth The Scottish Stuart dynasty succeeded to the English throne (though countries were quite separate except for the union of the crowns). Mary Queen of Scots’ Protestant son, James VI (became James I) becomes King He authorized “King James” version of the bible in 1611.
However… James and his son Charles I attempted to strengthen the power of the monarchy at the expense of Parliament and believed in the Divine Right of Kings
Civil War in England This led to Civil War in 1641 and the execution of Charles I, the first occasion in modern history when a monarch was put on trial and executed for crimes against his people. Parliament was largely supported by small landowners, merchants, and Puritans, in London and the South The King found more support among the high aristocracy, Anglicans, and the North and Wales.