Today: Spread of the Reformation Luther vs. Calvin: compare and contrast Other Reformations: Anabaptists and Anglican Reformation Reminders: LEQ (Long Essay) on Block 9/13-14 MC Friday 9/15 HW due on 9/15
Calvin and Calvinist Geneva Theocracy Predestination
Religious Tolerance only goes so far..... ANABAPTISTS Religious Tolerance only goes so far..... Europe is not ready for the Anabaptists Believed in Religious Freedom True Christian Church should be voluntary Adult baptism so people can choose All believers are equal Separation of church and state Anabaptists refused to hold office or to bear arms Their belief in religious freedom and the separation of church and state placed them as a threat to 16th century society. Catholics and Protestants agreed on one thing. They did not like the Anabaptists.
The Anglican Reformation: HW Review Slogan: There’s nothing more romantic for a monarch than starting a new religion. Question: What do these women all have in common?
Answer: their lives- in some cases their deaths – were shaped by the English Reformation. And…they were married to Henry VIII – Head of the Church of England and popular star of cable television’s The Tudors.
Charles V, the Pope, and his 1st wife Catherine of Aragon HENRY VIII VS. Charles V, the Pope, and his 1st wife Catherine of Aragon Henry VIII was married to Catherine of Aragon. She did not have a male heir and was too old to bear children and Henry wants to marry Anne Boleyn Why might a male heir be so important to Henry VIII? Henry wanted to get his marriage “annulled” – a way to end your marriage without having to get a divorce…but Charles V was Catherine of Aragon’s nephew and therefore against anything that would impact her poorly. 1534 – Act of Supremacy puts him at head of church. Added bonus – gets monasteries and wealth. 1534 Act of Supremacy puts Henry at head of church Tom Richey Anglican Reformation:
What does this Northern Humanist we learned about and Henry VIII’s second wife Anne Boleyn have in common? Anne Boleyn – Henry VIIIs second wife Executed for witchcraft Thomas More – executed for not supporting the Act of Supremacy Answer: They were both executed by Henry VIII. Remember – the Northern Humanists like Thomas More and Erasmus did not want a break with the Catholic Church, they just wanted to improve it in order to give the common people more access. Ironically, those who “planted the seeds” of the Protestant Reformation disagreed with some of its ultimate outcomes.
England gets two queens: Catholic “Bloody” Mary and Elizabeth I
Politique – the state is more important than religious belief
For Discussion: Discuss and analyze how and to what extent the Anglican Reformation was political, personal and economic.