66 monarchs Kings and Queens of England and Britain English Monarchs 66 monarchs Kings and Queens of England and Britain
SAXON KINGS Egbert was the first monarch to establish a stable and extensive rule over Anglo-Saxon England. (827- 839)
Aethelred II The Unready Egbert (827-839) Aethelwulf (839- 856) AETHELBALD ( 856 - 860 ) Athelstan ( 924 - 940 ) Aethelbert ( 860 - 866 ) Aethelred I ( 866 - 871 ) Aethelred II The Unready ( 978 - 1016 ) Edward The Confessor ( 1042 - 1066 ) Edmund II lronside ( 1016 ) Alfred the Great ( 871 - 899 ) Edward The Elder ( 899 - 924 ) Edmund ( 940 - 946 ) Edred ( 946 - 955 ) Edwy (Eadwig) ( 955 - 959 ) Edward The Martyr ( 975 - 978 )
Sweyn Cnut (Canute) The Dane ( 1016 - 1035 ) Harold I Harefoot ( 1035 - 1040 ) King Harold II ( 1066 ) King Harthacnut ( 1040 - 1042 )
NORMAN K INGS William I The Conqueror ( 1066 - 1087 ) Henry I Stephen William II Rufus The Red ( 1087 - 1100 ) Stephen ( 1135 - 1154 ) Henry I ( 1100 - 1135 ) NORMAN K INGS
The Plantagenets Family The Plantagenets were a huge powerful family not just in England but throughout Europe. The first Plantagenet was Herry II. Plantagenet Kings were thus the richest family in Europe and ruled England and half of France.
RichardI The Lion heart Angevins rulers Henrry II 1154-1189 RichardI The Lion heart 1189-1199 John I 1199- 1216 Henry III 1216 - 1272 Edward I 1271- 1307 Edward II 1307 - 1327 The Plantagenets
Edward III -The Black Prince 1327 - 1377 Richard II 1377- 1399 The Plantagenets
HOUSE OF LANCASTER King Henry VI King Henry V ( 1422 - 1461 King Henry IV Grandson of Henry III ( 1399 - 1413 ) King Henry V ( 1413 - 1422 ) King Henry VI ( 1422 - 1461 1470-1471)
HOUSE OF YORK Edward IV ( 1461 – 1470 1471-1483 ) Edward V ( 1483 ) King Richard III ( 1483 - 1485 )
House of Tudors Great-great-great-grandson of Edward III ( 1485 - 1509 ) King Henry VII King Henry VIII ( 1509 - 1547 ) King Edward VI ( 1547 - 1553 ) Elizabeth I The Virgin Queen( 1558 - 1603 ) Mary I Bloody Mary ( 1553 - 1558 )
House of Stuarts 1st Kings of the UK James I ( 1603 - 1625 ) Charles I ( 1625 - 1649 ) Protectorade & The Commonwealth 1649- 1659 Charles II ( 1660 - 1685 ) James II ( 1685 - 1688 ) William III and Mary II ( 1689 - 1702 ) Queen Anne ( 1702 - 1714 ) 1st Kings of the UK House of Stuarts
House of Hanovarians George I ( 1714 - 1727 ) George II ( 1727 - 1760 ) George III ( 1760 - 1820 ) George IV (1820 – 1830) Queen Victoria (1837 -1901) King William IV ( 1830 - 1837 ) House of Hanovarians
The House of Saxe - Coburg Gotha Edward VII 1901 - 1910 George V 1910 - 1936 Edward VIII 1936 George VI 1936 - 1952 Elizabeth II 1952 - present day The House of Windsor When George V came to the throne, he changed the family name to Windsor because of the anti-German feeling at the time.