Unfinished Business Titus 1:1-9
Unfinished Business Goal: 1. The right kind of leadership. 2. The right leaders.
Unfinished Business Titus 1 1. God’s design for every church. 2. God’s description of a spiritual leader.
The Letter’s Purpose: Paul’s Plan for Titus, 1:1-5 The Leadership Pattern: God’s Plan for His Church, 1:6-9
The Letter’s Purpose: Paul’s Plan for Titus, 1:1-5 Paul’s calling—To preach in hope of eternal life, 2-3 Titus’ assignment—to put in order unfinished business, 5
“Unfinished Business” “Left hanging” a barrier to completion a dropped assignment
“Unfinished Business” God’s plan for His Church not optional but essential
“Unfinished Business” Point: To participate most effectively in what God was doing in the world, the church needed to be governed and led as God meant it to be.
God’s Leadership Pattern for His Church, 5-9 A. The Right Leadership: Following God’s Governance, 1:5 1. The divine system: “Elder Rule”
1 Timothy 5:17 “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.”
Acts 14:23 “And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting, they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.”
Titus 1:5 “appoint elders in every town as I directed you . . .”
Acts 20:28 To the elders of Ephesus (vs. 17): “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for (shepherd) the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.”
Three titles—one role Elder = overseer = shepherd Elder: relative maturity Overseer: governance authority Shepherd (care for): ministry responsibility
God’s Leadership Pattern for His Church, 5-9 A. The Right Leadership: God’s Governance, 1:5 1. The divine system: “Elder Rule” 2. The Human default: What’s familiar
Human Default 1. The Roman Empire Roman Catholicism Pope = Caesar 2. English Kingdom Anglicanism Archbishop = King 3. Swiss, German states Reformed Church Synods
Human Default 4. Western Democracy congregational rule Everyone has equal vote. The worst cancels the best!
The Right Leaders: Identifying God’s Workers, 6-9 1. The Qualifications, Titus 1, I Timothy 3 a. Not. . . worldly success b. But. . . spiritual character
The Right Leaders: Identifying God’s Workers, 6-9 1. The Qualifications, Titus 1, I Timothy 3 a. Above Reproach, 6 not perfect but consistent
The Right Leaders: Identifying God’s Workers, 6-9 1. The Qualifications, Tit. 1, I Tim. 3 a. Above Reproach, 6 b. Faithful, fruitful in family, 6 “one-woman” man successful family leader
1 Timothy 3:4-5 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage (lead) his own household, how will he care for God’s church?
Principle 1: The elder is a leader of the church as the father is a leader of the family. Principle 2: The home is the laboratory for church leadership.
The Right Leaders: Identifying God’s Workers, 6-9 1. The Qualifications, Tit. 1, I Tim. 3 a. Above Reproach, 6 b. Faithful, fruitful in family, 6 c. Proven character, relational skills, 7-8 not. . .arrogant, angry, quarrelsome, greedy but. . .sober, self-controlled, gentle, holy
Principles 1: The elder is a leader of the church as the father is a leader of the family. 2: The home is the laboratory for church leadership. 3.The church becomes like its leaders, so its leaders must be like Christ.
The Right Leaders: Identifying God’s Workers, 6-9 1. The Qualifications, Tit. 1, I Tim. 3 a. Above Reproach, 6 b. Faithful, fruitful in family, 6 c. Proven character, relational skills, 7-8 d. A good reputation outside the church (1 T. 3:7)
Principles 1: The elder is a leader of the church as the father is a leader of the family. 2: The home is the laboratory for church leadership. 3.The church becomes like its leaders, so its leaders must be like Christ. 4. The leaders represent the church and the Savior to the world.
Right leadership right leaders right leading C. The Right Leading: Doing God’s Work, 9 1. They must submit to God’s word, 9a. 2. They must apply Scripture to people, 9b.
Principles 5. Leaders live by the Word of God. 1: The elder is a leader of the church as the father is a leader of the family. 2: The home is the laboratory for church leadership. 3.The church becomes like its leaders, so its leaders must be like Christ. 4 The leaders represent the church and the Savior to the world. 5. Leaders live by the Word of God.
Summary Godly in Family Godly in Relationships Godly in Reputation A Student of God’s Word
To participate most effectively in what God is doing in the world, the church needs to be governed as God means it to be. If the church is the engine in God’s work in the world, godly leaders should be the ones with their hands on the steering wheel!