La familia The Family Grades K-2
La familia- the family
El papá- (the dad) El padre- (the father)
La mamá-(the mom) La madre-(the mother)
El hijo (the son) El hermano (the brother)
La hija (the daughter) La hermana (the sister)
La abuela- (the grandma)
El abuelo- (the grandpa)
El bebé- (the baby)
Los padres- (the parents)
Los abuelos- (the grandparents) el abuelo la abuela
Other family members El tío (the uncle) La tía (the aunt) El primo (the boy cousin) La prima (the girl cousin) El sobrino (the nephew) La sobrina (the niece)
Step families Step families are a relatively new thing in Mexico, but there are words for members of step families. Here they are: Hermanastro (stepbrother) Hermanastra (stepsister) Padrastro (stepfather) Madrastra (stepmother)