WELCOME Back to School Ms. Arellano 2nd Grade Room 35 2016-2017
Daily SCHEDULE 7:55-8:15 Attendance/Breakfast/Morning Math and Comprehension 8:15-9:00 ELA (English Language Arts) 9:00-9:40 IWT/Centers/Small Group Instruction 9:40-10:00 PE 10:00-10:20 Recess 10:20-11:20 Math 11:20-12:00 Writing 12:00-12:40 Lunch 12:40-2:20 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), Social Science, and Health 2:20-2:23 Dismissal Tuesday: Dismissal at 1:23 Wednesday: Music Friday: Library TBA: Computer lab
Classroom RULES Here are our classroom expectations: 1. Listen when others are speaking 2. Follow directions the first time 3. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself 4. Work quietly and do not disturb others 5. Show respect for school and personal property 6. Raise your hand before you speak Classroom expectations help us keep a fun, academic, and nurturing environment where students and the teacher can build a classroom community that motivates encourages, and succeeds!
School POLICIES Be In Line and On Time! Should your child miss class, please send an absence note with your child upon his/her return. I would like to stress the importance of being in school on time. Remember the bell rings at 7:55 a.m. (Ms. Arellano’s students need to have their lunch bags in their hand as they walk into the class and drop them off.) If you have any questions or concerns fell free to e-mail me or call the school to leave me a message. The school's phone number is (818)341-5821.
Bullying Consistent repetitive actions that are harmful physically or name calling that causes low self-esteem. Please contact me if you become aware of such action ASAP. Please speak to your child about different cultures.
School DISMISSAL Dismissal: 2:23 p.m. every day except Tuesday! Students MUST be picked up by 2:53 p.m. Tuesday Dismissal: 1:23 p.m. Students MUST be picked up by 1:53 p.m. YS and YMCA is available for after school care. Pick up an application at the YMCA office.
Attendance POLICY Goal- 97-100% Attendance If you’re child is absent please send him/her back with a PRINTED version of their doctor’s note Everyone needs to be in line at 7:55 a.m. Anyone who enters after 8 a.m. will be marked tardy.
Homework POLICY Homework is given on Monday and needs to be turned in the last day of the week. I have just been notified that ScootPad will be funded for our class this year. What is ScootPad?
Grading POLICY Students will receive a Criteria/Rubric telling them what they need to do in order to earn a grade of a 4,3,2,1 in their assignment. Every trimester their points will be added to determine their grade in the class. Here’s how they earn their grades: 4: 100% + Above and beyond work 3: 96%-70% 2: 69%-50% 1: 49%-0%
Our CURRICULUM Common Core Standards Depth and Complexity Depth of Knowledge 4 C’s Communicate Critically Think Collaborate Create Technology
Reading Comprehension Language ARTS Second Grade TREASURE and Evan Moore Reading Literary and Informative Text Reading Comprehension Phonics Vocabulary Spelling Grammar Writing
MATH 2nd Grade MY MATH and Engage NY Addition/Subtraction Place Value Measurement Geometry Data LAUSD Interim
WRITING Introduction stating purpose of writing with 3 listed topics 3 body paragraphs based on 3 topics listed on topic sentence Conclusion
Next Generation SCIENCE STEM Activities Science Technology Engineering Math -I will be posting on my germaincharter.org website what materials our class needs to complete these in-class projects!-
Social STUDIES Ancestors Map Skills Flat Stanley
P.E. Please send your child with running shoes. We run one mile everyday (7 laps around the kickball fields.) 20 minutes of P.E each day
We need your help! Check out our beehive before you leave! School SUPPLIES We need your help! Check out our beehive before you leave!
Field TRIPS Leonis Adobe Museum Please help us Fundraise! This field trip cost $8 per student. We need PTA to help us! Current Fundraiser: Ollie’s Catalog Thank you parents who have already sent in orders!
Fill out a Volunteer Interest Sheet if interested. Parent VOLUNTEERS Please fill out your online application and wait to receive your badge from LAUSD. Fill out a Volunteer Interest Sheet if interested. I will text you through ClassDojo when I have in-class and out-of-the class work for you.
Important INFO 1Please go to germaincharter.org 2Click on Teachers 3Click on Ms.Arellano 4Subscribe!
Contact Me Please download the ClassDojo App! You can text me To receive the code to join please leave your cellphone number and your student’s name on an emoji post-it! You will receive a text message with the classroom’s code for your child. You can text me through the app!
Other ways to contact Me Germaincharter.org website E-mail: Karen.arellano@lausd.net School phone: (818) 341-5821 Set up an appointment with me through ClassDojo
Helpful WEBSITES Symbaloo.com/mix/msarellano This will be your favorite website throughout 2nd grade!
Thank you for coming!! Ms. Arellano I’m super excited to work with each of you this year! Ms. Arellano