OCOEE MIDDLE SCHOOL August 2017 “NUTS & BOLTS” From your Instructional Coach/RTI Coordinator
“There are three things to remember when teaching: know your stuff; know whom you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly.” Lola May
OMS ‘Instructional’ Universal… Signal for getting students’ attention. (Recommend Kagan ‘Hand raise’.) STARTER, BELLRINGER, TODAY’S SPECIAL… Routine way to begin every class/every day. Posted Standards & Learning Targets.
Learning Target… Standard = end GOAL. Learning Target = specific SKILL want students to learn today. “Job today.” “Expectation of lesson(s).” ‘I can…’ statements. “Passion is for students to KNOW what they are learning!” “I do---We do---You do--- model.” Dr. Linda Cash http://www.battelleforkids.org/learning-hub/learning-hub-item/a-focus-on-clear-learning-targets
BCS UNIVERSAL ‘Learning Target’ symbol ALL classrooms are to have this symbol posted close to active board along with current/daily ‘Learning Target’.
PLCs Schedule & Stagger start times. *The formal scheduled dates may be attended by admin &/or IC or others. PLC Notebooks kept throughout the year- documentation of meetings/shared topics/assessments created, etc… *Updates for the ‘responsible’ keeper of PLC NB-gold,blue,yellow sheets. Four Essential Planning Questions. *Weekly meetings are expected. See OMS PLC Schedule start times -2017-2018 1-WHAT DO WE WANT STUDENTS TO LEARN? 2-HOW WILL WE KNOW IF THEY HAVE LEARNED? 3-WHAT WILL WE DO IF THEY DON’T LEARN? 4-WHAT WILL WE DO IF THEY ALREADY KNOW IT?
See 2017-2018 Assessment Calendar. STATE TESTING - Paper/pencil-Online?=District/school option. Include computer time /online opportunities for ALL students in a variety of classes. *STANDARDS DRIVEN. Writing in ALL classes. Three Benchmark/Universal Screener Testing windows throughout the school year. (online/computer tests) *STAR testing both Reading & Math. Math curriculum—IReady Online opportunities ‘Diagnostic Testing’– two times. See 2017-2018 Assessment Calendar.
State testing ELA 6-8 = 230 minutes. Subpart 1 • 85 minutes • 1 Writing Prompt Subpart 2 • 50 minutes Subpart 3 Subpart 4 • 45 minutes Subparts 2 & 3 OR Subparts 3 & 4 may be combined for scheduling purposes. *BluePrints for ELA Teachers. www.tn.gov/education/topic/tcap-blueprints
State testing Math 6-8 = 125 minutes. Subpart 1 40 Minutes Subpart 2 35 Minutes Subpart 3 50 minutes Subparts 1 & 2 OR Subparts 2 & 3 may be combined for scheduling purposes. *Blue prints for Math teachers. www.tn.gov/education/topic/tcap-blueprints
State testing Science 6-8 = 95 minutes. Subpart 1 48 minutes Subpart 2 47 minutes *Blue Prints for Science Teachers. www.tn.gov/education/topic/tcap-blueprints
State testing Social Studies = TBD *TOTAL (ELA, Math, & Sci.) TESTING TIME IN MINUTES = 450. FYI: 2017-18: High School = ONLINE (*NO option) Gr 5-8 = *Option * Online or Paper/Pencil. - District decision. Can be school by school… Gr 3-4 - Paper/Pencil ONLY. 2018-19: Gr 5-8 = ONLINE *NO option.
OMS RTI plan Students in SUPPORT Classes who fell below STAR 25th %ile, teacher recommended, grades, & other data. INTERVENTION CLASSES… Related Arts. BOTH Reading & Math—Tier 2 & Tier 3. Reading = CSI (Creative Story Investigations) CSI2 (Morrow) CSI3 (Ramsey) Math = CIA (Creative Investigations in Arithmetic) CIA2 (Holland) CIA3 (Brown/Humberd)
Intervention Team Meetings… Data on ALL Tier 2 & Tier 3 students must be collected, charted, and reviewed for progress. Data includes—Benchmark/screener percentages, Intervention Program results, weekly Progress Monitoring, Classroom formative & summative assessments, Progress Report & Grade Card grades. Meetings of some form must be held @every 4 ½ weeks, with notification to parent of progress. Meetings must be attended by RTI Coordinator, Classroom teachers, Special Services representative, Administration, and Interventionist if possible.
TEAM Data Notebooks… (*Team Leaders pick up inserts.*) Familiarize yourself with your students’ levels. Utilize information in the NB to guide/differentiate instruction. Identify your intervention T2/T3 students.* >CONTENTS: STAR test results Spring 2017. Reading & Math levels *6th grade ONLY = IReady Diagnostic Test #3 Spring 2017. Intervention Lists of recommended Tier2 & Tier3 Students— Reading & Math.
“KNOW YOUR STANDARDS- BE STANDARDS DRIVEN.” Wednesday, August 2 8:00-11:00 A.M. - BCS Inservice North Cleveland Church of God 12:30-3:00 OMS- Standards rollout redelivery. “KNOW YOUR STANDARDS- BE STANDARDS DRIVEN.” ELA - meet in Library- ALL ELA, Social Studies, Science, Reading Intervention, Special Services & Related Arts teachers are to attend. MATH - K.Bagley classroom- ALL Math, Math Intervention, STEM, & Special Services teachers attend. Big THANKS to presenters who attended summer training!
Survival Kit as this new year begins… TEACHERS must have these things Survival Kit as this new year begins… TEACHERS must have these things. Eraser, Marble, Rubberband, String. ERASER- So you can make all your mistakes disappear. MARBLE- In case someone says “you’ve lost all yours.” RUBBERBAND- To stretch yourself beyond your limits. STRING- To tie things together when everything falls apart.
Have a great 2017-2018 school year… GROWING STUDENTS BUILDING FUTURES
Closing music for your enjoyment… CMA FEST June 11, 2017 Trent Harmon’s Band Nashville Chevrolet Stage