Claims and commentary evidence and credit Writing up Research Claims and commentary evidence and credit
REPEAT! Body Paragraphs TOPIC SENTENCE CLAIM EVIDENCE, CITED Start general Become more specific COMMENTARY REPEAT!
The Topic Sentence (TS) Identifies the single topic of the paragraph Controls the content of the supporting ideas There are multiple reasons why a vegan diet is a better choice than an animal based diet A vegan diet is a better health choice than an animal based diet everything in the paragraph supports the TS!
There are many reasons why pollution in Beijing is the worst in the world. Controlling idea Topic The wacky songs in Mary Poppins encourage laughter but also our personal connection to the characters.” Officials offered up various theories that attempt to explain the increase in gambling across the state.
Credit your Sources of Information Embed in-text citations Full citation information on Works Cited page more sources = more convincing argument The nutrients in a plant-based diet are low in fat, high in fiber and high in anti-oxidants, (VeganDiet 22) all of which help protect the body from disease (Smith 3). Craig, Winston J. "Health effects of vegan diets1,2,3." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. N.p., 01 May 2009. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.
Works Cited Page Use MLA format : varies by source type Includes author, title, source, publisher, dates/volume info Left align the first line, wrap text, indent following lines Organize alphabetically by the first word More & better sources = more convincing argument Craig, Winston J. "Health effects of vegan diets1,2,3." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. N.p., 01 May 2009. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. Craig, Winston J. "Health effects of vegan diets1,2,3." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. American Society ofr Nutrition. 01 May 2009. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. "Vegetarian diet: How to get the best nutrition." Nutrition and Healthy Eating, Mayo Clinic. 14 Mar. 2016. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.
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Make a set of Claims Back up your claims with evidence Claims are assertions you make about the topic • Take a position; it can be debatable • Make it logical • Engage the reader • Neither obvious nor vague Back up your claims with evidence • Research based; factual • Expert opinion, quoted or paraphrased Must be cited! • Statistical data
Claims & Evidence examples A plant-based diet is healthier for you. CLAIM The nutrients in a plant-based diet are low in fat, high in fiber and high in anti-oxidants all of which help to protect the body from disease. EVIDENCE Repeat! A vegan diet is also an effective way to lower your carbon footprint. CLAIM
Add Commentary Your ideas about the topic Interpret the facts (analysis) Explanations of evidence, reasoning Counter-arguments addressed Anecdotes, personal connections
Put it all Together Topic Sentence – topic + controlling idea Claim (citation*) Evidence (citation) Commentary Claim (citation) and one more time * If claim and citation are from same source, then a single citation after the evidence will cover both
Claim, evidence, or commentary? The Leadership class sold all 300 of the tickets that were available for the Prom. The decorations were lovely, but I did not agree with the DJ’s choice of music. The 2014 Prom was, for the most part, a success. evidence commentary claim