Leading in Times of Change Tom Flick & Shaun Spearmon
awareness Leadership is the name of the game. The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack. Only applied knowledge is powerful.
Opportunities vs. Hazards
Leadership vs. Management Why the distinction is increasingly important
Leadership Creating vision and strategy Communicating vision/strategy Removing barriers Getting buy-in Motivating action Creating the systems that allow for growth, evolution and new opportunities
The 2 greatest challenges leaders have in changing the world
People think that what they are 1st Challenge Complacency People think that what they are doing is just fine
Complacency Phrases A swell idea, but... Too old fashioned. It won’t work. It’s not in the budget. We’ve tried it before. We’ve never done it that way. It wasn’t invented here. We haven’t the time. Too expensive. Too hard to manage. Too old fashioned. Too modern We are not ready. It will take too long. Let’s be practical. You’re kidding, aren't you? Why change now? Let’s discuss your idea at another time. I’ll tell you what I think but I won’t get involved.
Living Complacency (STOP) I’ve got this figured out. I’m OK the way I am. We’ve been successful for sometime now, and I'm doing fine. Change? What’s the point of that? Living Complacency (STOP)
False Urgency 2nd Challenge Frenetic behavior: meeting-meeting, PowerPoint-PowerPoint, protect-protect, task-force-task-force…
False Urgency Phrases Let’s form a committee to study the possibilities We need more meetings to discuss this at length I’m busier than I’ve ever been and seem to be getting less done I’m under too much stress and pressure We need more rules and policies Everyone needs to work harder doing what we’ve always done There is no room in my schedule to make change happen Let’s form more metrics All I do is attend meetings all day long
Living False Urgency (STOP) I’m burned out. I don’t trust anyone to get this done but me. I feel like I’m in survivor mode. I’ve been on rounds all day, I’m exhausted! Living False Urgency (STOP)
What creates complacency and false urgency? Comfort Zones Change
have in changing the world The #1 asset leaders have in changing the world
True Urgency A Huge Asset People come to work every day determined to seize real opportunities and avoid real hazards
True Urgency Phrases I found two ways that I can be visible to my people today. I look for ways to say ‘yes’ to help our opportunity be successful? I’m empowering others to do tasks I used to do so that I can focus on our opportunity. I’m purging non-value added activities out of my schedule. I know one or more people I can talk to today to help create urgency for our opportunity. I love catching people in the act of helping change happen. I know how I can help knock down that barrier that stops us from moving forward. I model the change I wish to see in others It isn’t about what we can’t do. It is about what we can do.
By focusing on the HEART and not just the MIND True Urgency looks like Creating action that is… Exceptionally alert Externally oriented Relentlessly aimed at winning Making progress every day Constantly purging low value activities By focusing on the HEART and not just the MIND
True Urgency - getting to our “go” side I live consciously, and with purpose. I am constantly looking for ways to grow and get better. Only I can change and see change in others. I am accountable for my attitudes and behaviors. Great opportunities are everywhere.
the power of words Words create pictures
Eiffel Tower
© 2008 Tom Flick Communications Eiffel Tower © 2008 Tom Flick Communications
Grand Canyon
behaviors create habits the power of words habits create reality attitudes permit behaviors habits create reality behaviors create habits emotions create attitudes pictures create emotions words create pictures
© 2008 Tom Flick Communications push frontiers – seize the big opportunity © 2008 Tom Flick Communications
No Alignment on Big Opportunity Complacency No Alignment on Big Opportunity Confusing Figures are fine Maybe lying down Sitting down
False Urgency No Defined “Opportunity” Confusing Standing up One group going in one direction with one arrow Another group the other direction Running figures Running into each other 4/12
True Urgency Clearly Defined “Opportunity”
© 2008 Tom Flick Communications
© 2008 Tom Flick Communications Big Opportunities create True Urgency People come to work everyday determined to exploit real opportunities and avoid real hazards Creates the belief that great opportunities are ahead Creates both what is possible and why Eliminates junk and low priority items off calendars Engages the head and heart © 2008 Tom Flick Communications
exercise ethics – live your principles push frontiers – seize the big opportunity
Value/Worth vs. Image/Performance Words Pictures Emotions Abundance Control Me Influence Others Valuable Go and Grow Learn From Mistakes Integrity (say/do) Serve others Scarcity Others Control Me Control Others Valueless Stop and Wait Blame Others Justify Actions (do/say) Others Serve Me
decision A person built for others B person built for the self or
© 2008 Tom Flick Communications Who am I? List 8 to 10 descriptions of yourself. How do others see me? List 8 to 10 descriptions others would say about you. © 2008 Tom Flick Communications
Leading in a Changing World
Things that hold us back
What holds us back? 2/3 1/3
What holds us back? 10% = future 90% = past & present
What holds us back? Lo Lo habits opportunities
© 2008 Tom Flick Communications Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of many years. © 2008 Tom Flick Communications
© 2008 Tom Flick Communications Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of many years. © 2008 Tom Flick Communications
© 2008 Tom Flick Communications Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of many years. © 2008 Tom Flick Communications
© 2013 Tom Flick – Kotter International Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of many years. © 2013 Tom Flick – Kotter International
“Words are simply tools that predict and perpetuate the future”
the power of words
“It’s the economy” “Too hard to manage” killer phrases (stop) “Let’s be practical” “It’s not in the budget” “I won’t get involved” “It’s the economy” “You’re kidding, aren’t you?” “We’ve tried it before” “A swell idea but, it won’t work” Things are going just fine” “Why change now?” “we are way over regulated” “Let’s discuss your idea at another time” “Too old fashioned” “Too hard to manage” “We are not ready” “It will take too long” “Too expensive” “We’ve never done it that way”
Igniter Phrases (Go) Great Idea. Keep up the good work. Continue working on it. Let’s go. I’m on the right track. Opportunities are out there. Let’s create some wins. We’ll be successful. Keep up the good work. I am sorry. I know I can do it. That’s a winner. Yes we can. I made a mistake. Good job.
Leading in a Changing World
unleash energy – lead the way exercise ethics – live your principles push frontiers – seize the big opportunity
Team Leader Mastery I view myself as a leader who serves those I lead, a resource, mentor and coach. I participate on teams and in groups because it establishes strong relationships and allows me to trust and communicate. I give away control. I consistently take action to engage others around the big opportunity. The more I help others get what they want the more I get what I want.
How do we make it easier to… lead the change generate urgency seize opportunities remove barriers to change build strong teams inspire people grow go first
Go first and lead the way
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