Bell Ringer: YOU HAVE 20 minutes to complete the ITEMS BELOW: Divide your FIVE subject NOTEBOOK with THESE HEADINGS: NOTES/JOURNAL/GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY/NEWSELA Begin your JOURNAL IN the JOURNAL SECTION of your NOTEBOOK! YOUR JOURNAL MUST BE A Full PAGE to receive ALL ALL CREDIT! Today you are responding to the Question Journal below: What would you do if you won the ONE Billion dollar lottery (Actual jackpot this week)? Today’s Thought: Every accomplishment begins with the willingness to try. (Gail Devers)
Today’s BELLRINGER: WORK on the My SISTER’s KEEPER TEST/PROJECT!! YOU will have 30 minutes to complete today and 30 minutes of FRIDAY! Use your TIME WISELY!!!
Bell Ringer 20 min.: Contents of a Dead Man’s Pocket Review Before Reading Activity Outline for Literature Book. 45 min. Keep in your notebook These are questions that relate to the reading passage you will read this week. You will discuss and collaborate with assigned group. ONLY BEFORE READING TODAY!!!! We will work on this all week with the short story. These are to help you to understand the background of author/time period/literary element focus/story vocabulary/story grammar…. Knowing this background information will assist you in comprehending the story. The more you know about a topic/author….the more you understand what you are reading!!! Small Group work: Assign a task to each member. You may have 2 or 3 tasks per person. You are expected to complete all items required. You will have 45 minutes and then we will discuss and grade. You will write ALL answers in the NOTES section of your notebook. Do not write on the guide. Head each section in your notes using the headings on the guide. The reading passage we are reading this week is in your Literature book. You will use the book and your netbook to SEARCH for the information. The story this week it called… “Contents of a Dead Man’s Pocket” Keep that in mind as your research the information about this short story. 45 minutes begins now. 25 minutes: Large group share: Teach your research assigned to the class. Take a minute to decide who will say what….all must participate. Objectives: Comprehension of ss using plot sequence, interpret literary focus/literary elements, vocab in context, word choice-grammar, written response using choice menu, large group presentation
Bell Ringer: 20 minutes: GRAMMAR NOTES And practice questions. Complete in the GRAMMAR SECTION of your NOTEBOOK! NOTES ON SMARTBOARD: GRAMMAR NOTES on TOP Half and PRACTICE SENTENCES ON the BOTTOM 45 minutes: As you are READING ACTIVITIES: Use your Literary ANALYSIS GUIDE: turn to the AS YOU READ SECTION: COMPLETE ALL WORK IN THE NOTES section of your notebook: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS AS YOU read…some the questions can be found in the margin of the story….Use the same headings in your notebook. As you work on the plot mountain…turn your notebook sideways and design a Plot mountain…..label the mountain parts with examples from the story…see chart hanging up. Remember the LITERARY ELEMENT focus is the genre of SUSPENSE: Keep in mind what makes this so suspenseful ….vocabulary? Sentence style? Wording? Mood? We will listen/read part of it to get you focused and then you will read the last part OYO. As I read this story I got butterflies and a hot flash….It made me nervous….and tense See how you feel as you read the story.
BELL RINGER: 20 minutes: Complete the GRAMMAR PRACTICE PAGE for ITS and IT’S You will find one on the table next to the zebra tray!!! Answer in your notebook in the GRAMMAR SECTION OF your notebook. DO NOT WRITE ON THE HANDOUT RETURN THE GRAMMAR Practice Page to the pile next to the ZEBRA TRAY when YOU FINISH!!
After READING ACTIVITIES: Use the LITERARY ANALYSIS GUIDE: TURN TO THE AFTER YOU READ SECTION and COMPLETE ALL ANALYSIS QUESTIONS: Most of the question will be found in the Literature book directly after the short Story. Use the story to complete ALL WORK. YOU will respond in your notebook in the NOTE section…continue. If you didn’t finish story do so now and then complete. Use your time wisely. You have 50 minutes. 10 min. You will present your assigned question the last few minutes and tomorrow.
Block 1: TNXHAF Block 2: Q28VF4 Block 3: UY6B42 Block 4: R6NPEG Bell RINGER: 20 minutes GOOGLE NEWSELA Click on it! Go to SIGN UP….click…. Click on I am a LEARNER/student! Yes I am JOINING a TEACHERS CLASS ENTER the CLASS CODE!!! Block 1: TNXHAF Block 2: Q28VF4 Block 3: UY6B42 Block 4: R6NPEG See what happens???? Choose an article that has a QUIZ (it will have a under any subject. Write the title in the NEWSELA section of your notebook! Read at two below HIGHEST LEXILE LEVEL today and take the 4 question quiz. Write answers in notebook. ALSO,RESPOND to the writing prompt in your notebook. ONLY take the quiz ONCE…You may look back at the article.
Due at the end of the block!!! Extension ACTIVITIES for SHORT STORY: Complete any AFTER reading presentations…. Work on activities EXTEND YOUR THINKING… YOU want to know the plot and answer questions about the plot of the story BUT YOU also need to extend your thinking and get to the deeper meaning of what you are reading. 4. That is an extension activity…USE/apply that information you have read.. Complete presenting assigned number for as you read questions. Begin EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: 2-5-8 ACTIVITIES You choose any activity that TOTALS 15 points. You have the entire period to complete the items. Use all/any resources to complete… COMPLETE in a creative way….Make sure you include your name/block Due at the end of the block!!! Homework: Study Vocabulary/grammar/story notes
Bell Ringer: 20 minutes: Video Journal Watch the video journal and respond following guide. Take Socrative QUIZ….. and check CHOSEN ACTIVITY: NOTEBOOK CHECK: Grammar NOTES and Practice. Either you have it or NOT! Present Roll a story….from last week!!