An Introduction to the Colorado Assessment Standards Mathematics
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Contents Standard Implementation Template 21st Century Skills Search Standards Printable Standards Crosswalk Documents Other Resources
Standard Implementation Template Name of the Content Area Name of Standard (and Grade Level) Preschool – Grade 12 Concepts and Skill Thread Mastery for Graduation Concepts and Skills Indicating Progress Towards Mastery Promote Critical Thinking Indicators of Student Mastery Real-World Applications Characteristics of the Discipline
Indicators of Mastery Concepts & Skills Critical Thinking Applications Characteristics
21st Century Skills Critical Thinking & Reasoning Invention Self-Direction Collaboration Informational Literacy
Critical Thinking & Reasoning “Reasoning, problem solving, analysis, logic, cause/effect” - Handout Integrating 21st Century Skills: What Do They Look Like?
Critical Thinking & Reasoning Mathematics Recognize problematic aspects of situations, devise and carry out strategies, evaluate the reasonableness of solutions, and justify methods, strategies, and solutions Provide the grammar and structure that make it possible to describe patterns that exist in nature and society From : 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Reasoning
Invention “… integrate ideas from multiple disciplines to formulate an understanding of the natural world as they search for patterns and themes, and make connections among ideas, strategies and solutions.” - Handout Integrating 21st Century Skills: What Do They Look Like?
Invention Mathematics Diversity in musical style, form, and genre would not exist without innovation and the possibilities of creating something new Integration of ideas to create original works through personal or group expression Construct knowledge and challenge choices when arranging, orchestrating, improvising, and using technology to develop musical compositions From : 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Reasoning
Self-Direction “…adaptability, initiative, personal responsibility, work ethics, self advocacy” From : 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Reasoning
Self-Direction Mathematics Math requires a productive disposition and self-direction Monitoring and assessing one’s mathematical thinking Persistence in searching for patterns, relationships, and sensible solutions From : 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Reasoning
Collaboration “…collaborate in multiple settings, offering ideas, strategies, and solutions for others to evaluate, and seeking others’ ideas, compare and evaluate the merit of different ideas and fostering a safe environment for discourse.” - Handout Integrating 21st Century Skills: What Do They Look Like?
Collaboration Mathematics Social discipline involving the exchange of ideas Students offer ideas, strategies, solutions, justifications, and proofs for others to evaluate. Students interpret and evaluate ideas, strategies, solutions, justifications and proofs of others From : 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Reasoning
Information Literacy “Knowledge acquisition, source discernment, systems management” - Handout Integrating 21st Century Skills: What Do They Look Like?
Information Literacy Mathematics Equips students with tools and habits of mind to organize and interpret quantitative data Effectively use learning tools, including technology, and clearly communicate using mathematical language From : 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Reasoning
Searchable/ Printable Standards Looking for standards in a specific content area or grade level? Click this link:
Crosswalk Documents Crosswalk documents allow us to compare previous content standards with the most current in a spreadsheet (or word processor) format. Content is coded for easy comparison: Green = no significant change Yellow = some change Orange = embedded in classroom instruction Red = new content Locate the crosswalk documents at the following link: walk/Arts_Crosswalk.html
Finally… Content Support Link: Standards presentations and research: