Welcome to Open House 4th Grade Mrs. Canevari Ms. Friedel Mrs. Hollyfield Mr. Montana Mrs. Tipple
S.O.L. Information Fourth graders take 3 tests . Math Reading Math Social Studies (Virginia Studies)
Grading Scale Using the Standard Based Report Card 1 = Performs below standards 2 = Works toward standards 3 = Meets standards 4 = Exceeds standards
Not every strand will be graded every grading period. We are currently studying . . . Math Computation and Estimation Place Value
Reading Writing Comprehension Fluency Word Analysis Composing Written Expression Usage and Mechanics
Science Oral Language Contributes to group discussions The Scientific Method Life Science- Ecosystems
Social Studies – Virginia Studies Geography - regions and waterways History – early Virginia
Homework and Tests -Student’s responsibility to write it in their H.W. in their agenda book, we go over it at the end of the day (when there is homework-usually beginning of the week) -Test dates are given out in advance (e-mail and printed notice) - Study guides for Science and Social Studies test will start coming home at the beginning of a new unit. Save them all for studying for SOL testing!
Field Trips Three trips are tentatively being planned. Fredericksburg Battlefield Historic Fredericksburg Jamestown Outreach (in school field trip) Chaperones will be requested prior to each trip.
Volunteer Opportunities Field Trips Virginia map cookies Colonial Day Opportunities within the school – Fall Festival, Field Day, Art room, clothing sale (Oct. 14th ) Be sure to Like Moncure PTO on Facebook for updates
Box Top Competition We are collecting box tops for our school. There is a competition between the 4th grade classrooms to see which class can bring in the most!
Things to Watch For Your child will bring home a homework/mail folder daily. Please check this daily! The agenda should be coming home daily. It contains your child’s homework and other information. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and the playground. Students should also dress appropriately on P.E. days.
Usernames and passwords will be sent home as soon as I have them. Online Resources The social studies textbook is available online and can be found on Clever (Five Ponds Press) Our math textbook is online at: www.pearsonsuccessnet.com. Other websites will be shared during the year. Usernames and passwords will be sent home as soon as I have them.
Monitoring Behavior Checks and Minus’: -Checks are given for following instructions, staying on task, going above and beyond. -Minus’ are given when rules are broken and students need a reminder to make a different choice -At the end of the 9 weeks students will receive the class room coupons they have earned with their checks!
Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to a great year! Please feel free to contact me via email, phone call, or letter! Important dates Interim reports – October 4th Conferences –November 6th & 8th