By: Jonathan (tornado) History from 1480-1700 By: Jonathan (tornado)
1480-1500 AD 1480 ad- Tartar army march into Russia and demands tribute due 4 years prior. 1462-1505 ad- Ivan III has power. Greatly increased territory of Russia.
Ivan the IV 1533 ad- Ivan IV (Ivan the terrible) takes the throne. He was only 3 years old. When He got the throne, he set up a secret police. The police killed all of the rebels. He was called terrible because he tortured people. He had a very short temper.
Ivan the IV continued 1552 ad- Ivan IV defeated Kazan. 1554-1556 ad- He conquered Astrakhan. 1581 ad- Ivan killed his son
1600-1700 1605-1613 ad- Poland invades Russia during times of troubles 1613 ad- Michael Romanov becomes czar of Russia. 1689-1725 ad- Peter I (the great) is Russia's first emperor.