And Then there were none Agatha Christie Chapter Three Vocabulary All pictures are from Google Images.
port—43 a sweet red wine
caustic—43 severely critical or sarcastic
naive—46 simple and unsophisticated; unsuspecting; lacking worldly experience and critical judgment
replete—46 abundantly supplied
indictments—46 formal charges or accusations of a serious crime
petrified—47 motionless with fear or terror
unobtrusively—50 without attracting attention
inquire—51 ask
adroitly—51 skillfully; cleverly; expertly
spirit—52 strong liquor
swan song—53 farewell appearance; final creative work or performance
preposterous—53 ridiculous; senseless
accusations—53 charges or claims that someone has done something illegal or wrong
Interposed—53 to put between; to insert between parts; to interject during a conversation; to intervene
forage—54 to search for food or supplies
sedative—55 drug used to soothe and relieve anxiety
impromptu—55 unplanned; spontaneous
purported—57 rumored; claimed
verisimilitude—58 similarity to reality; the appearance of truth; looking like the real thing
disembodied—59 separated from or existing without the body
homicidal—61 likely to kill; murderous