advertisement featuring Serena Williams Nike Advertisement advertisement featuring Serena Williams
Context for the Advertisement Sneakers, Athletic Clothing Category Competitors include Adidas, Under Armor, Lululemon etc. Targeted at young women, re-directs them to - Doesn’t particularly apply to one sport, feminine, cool, doesn’t necessarily “work out”
Nike Print AD Appeared in October Teen Vogue 2009
Nike TV Advertisement “Ladies First” Ran on MTV between September 9th and 14th in 2009
Internet Advertisement Appeared on between September 1st and 28th-- Quizilla has a 60% female demographic, 49% 13-17 years
Looking at the AD Chopy scenes/sequential photos Use of consistent type face--almost cartoonish Illustrated photo of her identifies her as an icon, plays up known features, more feminine musculature Bold colors, bold movements, bold music Urban background
Implications of the AD Independence--Serena appears alone Care-free, self-confident Not the same as an image of an athletic male Concept of working out can be “delicious”--feminine wording