Roles of the President Chapter 9 Section 2
Section 2 Head of State As head of state, the president represents the nation and performs many ceremonial roles. As a living symbol of the nation, the president is not just a single individual, but the collective image of the United States.
Section 2 Chief Executive As the nation’s chief executive, the president sees that the laws of Congress are carried out. Presidents have several tools to influence how laws are carried out: executive orders, or rules that have the force of law, the power to appoint people to important offices in the executive branch,
Section 2 Chief Executive (cont.) the right to fire officials they have appointed, impoundment of funds—refusing to allow a federal department or agency to spend money Congress has appropriated, and the power to appoint officials to the judiciary.
Section 2 Chief Executive (cont.) The president can also grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States. A reprieve grants a postponement of legal punishment. A pardon is a release from legal punishment.
Section 2 Chief Executive (cont.) The president may grant amnesty— a group pardon to people for an offense against the government, often in a military situation.
Section 2 Chief Legislator Congress expects the executive branch to propose legislation it wishes to see enacted.
Section 2 Economic Planner The Employment Act of 1946 gave new duties to the president: It directed the president to submit an annual economic report to Congress. It created a Council of Economic Advisers The president prepares an annual budget.
Section 2 Chief Diplomat As chief diplomat, the president has sole power to negotiate and sign treaties— formal agreements between the governments of two or more countries. The president has the authority to make executive agreements —pacts between the president and the head of a foreign government.
Section 2 Commander in Chief The president shares with Congress the power to make war. The president is responsible for the key military decisions that represent overall policy and strategy. The president has the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons. During war, Congress is likely to give the president special powers at home as well as abroad.