Quickly, this morning, you and your family had to go into hiding


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Presentation transcript:

Quickly, this morning, you and your family had to go into hiding Quickly, this morning, you and your family had to go into hiding. You had to leave behind your friends and others, without telling anyone where you were going. You will be in a place with simple furniture, a bed, a radio, and simple food will be brought to you. You may not ever leave, and you will be there for a couple of years. You were allowed to bring one average-sized suitcase. You may NOT bring anything electronic; you may NOT bring a pet; you may NOT bring any people other than your immediate family.

Wednesday, March 11th Journal Entry #14 What will you put in your suitcase to bring with you? What things would you miss most in the outside world? What people would you miss most in the outside world? Miep can occasionally bring you a small, special item. What would you ask for?