The Modular Design of CMS CALORIMETERS SUPERCONDUCTING COIL ECAL HCAL Scintillating PbWO4 crystals Plastic scintillator/brass sandwich IRON YOKE TRACKER Silicon Microstrips Pixels Total weight : 12,500 t Overall diameter : 15 m Overall length : 21.6 m Magnetic field : 4 Tesla MUON ENDCAPS MUON BARREL Drift Tube Resistive Plate Cathode Strip Chambers ( ) CSC Chambers ( ) DT Chambers ( ) RPC Resistive Plate Chambers ( ) RPC Michel Della Negra/FNAL/1 June 2006
The CMS Collaboration 2030 Scientific Authors 38 Countries Belgium Bulgaria Austria 61 49 174 Member States Total NMS US 64 NMS non US Number of Laboratories Finland USA CERN France Germany Greece Russia Hungary 1055 428 547 2030 Member States NMS non US Total NMS US Nr of Scientific Authors Uzbekistan Italy Ukraine Slovak Republic Georgia Belarus Poland UK Armenia Portugal Turkey Brazil Serbia Korea China, PR Spain Pakistan Mexico China (Taiwan) Iran Switzerland New-Zealand Ireland Colombia Associated Institutes Number of Scientists Number of Laboratories 46 8 Croatia India Cyprus Estonia 2030 Scientific Authors 38 Countries 174 Institutions May, 04 2006/gm Michel Della Negra/FNAL/1 June 2006