Year 6Q Parent Teacher Night Information Teacher: Zoe Quinnell
Homework Homework each week will consist of: spelling from Year six list a homework sheet (some English and Maths activities that consolidate concepts covered in class during the week) reading – approx. 10 – 20mins. per night Homework will be corrected and checked on Fridays. It is my expectation that students schedule the completion of their homework in the way that best suits them. Whether it be a little every night, or a longer homework session on a couple of nights. Most assignment and project work will occur at school, but if there is a home project, a task sheet will be sent home with clear expectations and due date.
English Year level spelling, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation will be taught, with some students on a modified list. Major text types to be covered include: persuasive texts and advertising, short stories, novel study, information report CAFÉ: Reading Comprehension Strategies - READ,READ,READ, & READ!!!!!!!!!!! Peer Reading – Read to Self – Comprehension Cards Literacy Groups – developing and reinforcing reading and research skills in preparation for high school. Word Study Group – focus on spelling skills, dictionary skills
Mathematics Mathematics will be taught in class using the ACARA mathematics program and will be supported by the C2C resources Each strand of the mathematics syllabus will be covered across each semester. Students will be grouped for Maths which will ensure the lessons are targeted towards their level of ability. They might have another yr6 teacher who will be responsible for their Maths lessons three sessions per week for the year. Groups will also focus on problem solving strategies and revision.
Other Key Learning Areas Geography- mapping skills, Asia region, diversity of place History – Federation of Australia; migrants Science – biology, fair tests with mould; electricity; natural disasters; chemistry Arts – media arts elements to design an advertising brochure; drama; dance; painting styles Technology – Australian inventions; natural disasters
Work Ethic Your child should maintain a strong work ethic by: setting high expectations for themselves trying their best at all times taking pride in the presentation of their work developing time management skills in preparation for their transition to high school asking for help when necessary Reward for Effort
Discipline Class Rules and consequences are discussed and displayed in the room. The students are always encouraged to respect the rights of others and not interfere with others’ learning. Parents will be contacted about students who consistently disregard these rules. A positive and caring atmosphere in the room will be encouraged, where all children in Year Six are expected to behave with manners and friendship towards one another. Parental support on these matters is greatly appreciated. Class Dojo is used for behaviour management in our class.
Arts Excellence Day at Aspley High School – Tuesday 28th February Year 6 Team Building Development Day – Wednesday 1st March Interschool Sport – begins in Week 6, 7, 8, 9 Assembly – Monday mornings Parent Teacher Interviews Term 1: Week 7 & 8 Cross Country – 28 March Easter Hat Parade and last day of term 1 – 31st March Athletics Carnival- 21/22 June Chinese Cultural Day A Factor Competition Year Six Camp – Term 4 – Week 4 – Maroon Outdoor Education Centre Life Education visit Swimming carnival Graduation Excursions and Events
Excursions and events A Factor Competition Year Six Camp – Term 4 – Week 4 – Maroon Outdoor Education Centre Life Education visit Swimming carnival Graduation
Notes For Absences Education Queensland requires any child, who is absent from school without a note, phone call or E-mail explaining the absence, to be marked as ‘unexplained absence’ on the roll. Phone the office and leave a message on the absent line.
Specialist Lessons LIBRARY: Thursday for class computer session – research skills, assignment work, Mathletics - Thursday- borrowing/returning books MUSIC: Wednesday PE: Wednesday LOTE: Monday for 1 hour
Parent Teacher Contact and Reporting Parent Interviews will be offered twice a year. These must be booked online within a specific timeline. There will be a written report card sent home at the end of Term Two. The End of Year Report card will be emailed home in December. A positive parent/teacher relationship is of benefit to your child as our partnership in the learning process is essential. Please contact me ASAP if there is a concern about anything relating to your child and/or their class work. Email is the preferred method of contact but I can be available before school from 8am – 8.30am or after school from 3 – 3.30pm if necessary. You can also make an appointment to see me through the office or send a note with your child.
Any further questions?
Thank you for attending the Year 6Q Parent-Teacher Night. I am looking forward to a fabulous year with your children. Please ensure you have taken the Information sheet with your child’s name on it.