WESTAR Fall Business Meeting Mobile Sources Committee Report September 2007 Boulder, Colorado
Recent Issues in Mobile Sources Diesel EPA report on cost effectiveness of diesel retrofits applied to heavy-duty nonroad engines: $18,700 to $87,600 per ton PM reduced $1900 to $19,000 per ton NOx reduced Continued tracking state effort’s to reduce diesel emissions Mobile Source Outreach Assistance Grants Available Intended for public education that supports state/local and tribal air agency efforts to improve air quality and reduce GHGs (Aug 31st deadline)
Recent Issues in Mobile Sources Efforts to support California’s request for a waiver of federal preemption to permit enforcement of GHG standards in new vehicles Proposed rule for Small Nonroad Spark-Ignition and Marine Spark-Ignition Engines Includes garden equipment, inboard/outboard and personal watercraft engines HC, NOx, CO and evaporative standards Phase in period 2009 – 2012 MOBILE 6.2 vs. MOVES, emission inventory submittal formats, SIP guidance Continued tracking of other mobile source groups (NACAA, WRAP, OBD Stakeholder)
WESTAR Mobile Sources Committee Clint Farr clint.farr@alaska.gov 907-465-5127 Sig Jaunarajs sjaunara@ndep.nv.gov 775-687-9392 Participating States AK, AZ, CO, HI, ID, MT, ND, NM, NV, OR, SD, UT,WA, WY