WELCOME Suna Kıraç Library September 2017
Contact Information Advanced information research questions data analysis needs search suggestions Information Desk: 0-212-338 13 17 Ask a librarian: askalibrarian@ku.edu.tr
Library working hours
Library Collection The Library houses… 245.000 printed books 40,000 e-journals 134 databases 160.000 e-books 15 digital collections
Borrowing Privileges 50 books: 90 days + 30 days renewal 2 dvds: 3 days + 1 day renewal 5 reserve materials: 2 hrs. 1 iPad, 3 days, no renewal 1 Calculator, 4 hrs., no renewal Current Periodicals: Library use only! ***Recall Service allows users to recall materials being borrowed for 90 days or longer ***Overdue notices & fines
My Account - overview One Pass Access with Your Network Username & Password Check your library account Renew your books online Check your requests Access e-resources Off-Campus ICLS request form Online article request form
VPN Connection http://vpn.ku.edu.tr Off-campus access VPN Connection http://vpn.ku.edu.tr
Interlibrary Loan Service for Books (ILL) To request a book from another library, simply fill out an online interlibrary loan book request form up to 5 items at a time
Article request You can request articles that are not available at SKL collection via the online article request system. The request can also be used if you would like to request a copy of a chapter from a book, or a copy of a PhD dissertation. up to 5 items at a time
Inter-Campus Loan Inter-Campus Loan Service circulates material among the main campus and the branch libraries *Topkapı Hospital Health Science Library and ANAMED Library The service applies to materials owned by the Koç University Library (i.e. Books/ Periodicals)
Book Purchase suggestion If the Library does not own a title, please either fill out the purchase request form or send an e-mail with your request to libacq@ku.edu.tr . Remember to provide full bibliographic information including, in the case of books, the ISBN number. Also, be sure to include your name, position and academic department
Electronic resources E-journals Koç University libraries subscribe to over 40.000 e- journals from a wide range of disciplines. Browse our e-journals holdings by Title or Subject, or search by Title or ISSN Databases Through the Databases you can have access to a wide variety of scholarly resources. They are divided in subject categories and subcategories but you can also search specific ones by Title.
Digital Collections KU Theses and Dissertations KU Institutional Repository KU Manuscript Collection Vekam Locloud Collection Josephine Powell Slide Collection The Soundscape of Istanbul Digital Collections