Utrecht University, quality assurance Marie-Jet Fennema, september 2012
Introduction Marie-Jet Fennema 10.50-11.30: Age Halma - Teacher professionalisation 11.30-12.10: Felipe Salve - Institutional Research 12.10-12.40: Leonard Rutgers & Sophie Velthoven - Programme comittee History of art
Facts and figures Utrecht University founded in 1636 ranked (Shanghai): 1st in the Netherlands, shared 53th place in the world 7 faculties: Humanities; Law, Economics and Governance; Geosciences;Social and Behavioural Sciences; Science; University Medical Centre Utrecht; Veterinary Medicine; 45 undergraduate programmes 169 graduate programmes success rate of 55% among undergraduate (national average 43%) 5,295 staff members (fte, excluding Faculty of Medicine) approx. 95,000 alumni budget of 749 million euro
The eductional model Clear distinction between the Bachelor’s and the Master’s degree phase Flexibility and choice Personal teaching and activating teaching methods Teacher professionalisation
Internal quality assurance process university faculty programme
Chassis internal quality assurance Process: Plan-do check-act Linked to external quality assurance Evaluation of courses and programme Students, teachers, alumni and field are involved Results of evaluation are public Responsibilities are clear to all
Debate topic How do we proceed from quality control to a culture of quality?