General Practice Forward View (GPFV) Denise Boardman CCG Programme Director
General Practice Forward View (GPFV) Presentation to cover: Recap of GPFV Work streams Where the STP fits in Opportunities for Nurses
Why? General Practice largest branch of British Medicine Growing, aging population multiple health problems Rising workload, growing pressures Acknowledgment something needs to be done This is our opportunity to turn this rising tide.
So, what does this mean for us?
What is the CCG doing? Maximising the different funding streams to support investment in primary care – workflow optimisation, online consultation software, workforce opportunities, General Practice Resilience programme. Meet the different needs of East & North Herts population. Key primary care priorities are: Access (£3.17) Workforce Infrastructure enablers – ICT & ETTF (7 schemes) Non-recurrent investment monies - £1.50 php 2017-2019.
Investment Investment Workforce Workload General Practice Resilience Schemes Pre-registration student placements Supporting the development of training practices . Workflow Optimisation & Care Navigation Apprenticeships in General Practice & work with HEE Workload Investment Primary Care Workforce Planning and Education Network Primary Care Nurse Tutors and GP Locality Leads appointed in all six CCG Localities Mentorship, First student nurse placement, Practice Nurse Development Programme, GP Fellowships, Physicians Associates Workforce Investment Different Funding Streams - transformational support, ring fenced devolved funding , non-recurrent monies £1.50 per head pop. Extended Access monies – 2018/19 - £3.17 & 2019/20 - £6.00 CCG Funding- e.g. Consolidated Funding Stream, Care Homes Contract, Acute Visiting, Non-core GP IT
Models of Care Infrastructure Technology and information sharing – Local Digital Roadmaps Estates and Technology Transformation Fund– centrally funded primary care premises and technology projects over a three year period. Localities using the same IT systems to share records. Recruitment of a clinical IMT lead for Primary Care Summary Care Record for Community Pharmacy Access Pseudoanonymised GP data extraction Models of Care Practice Mergers- facilitated through the NHS England Integrated Care Provider Boards – supporting Place Based Care Workforce Planning Pilot Learning from the Primary Care Home, Multi Community Speciality Provider, Super Partnerships. Supported by infrastructure, estates and technology to deliver new models of care.
STP System Leadership Arrangements DRAFT STP System Leadership Arrangements STP Enabling Transformation Workstreams Urgent and Emergency Planned Care Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Cancer Clinical Transformation Workstreams Prevention Primary Care Clinical Support Services Workforce Technology Estates, Facilities and Capital Women’s and Children Task and Finish Groups Communications and Engagement Medicines Management Procurement Collaborative Commissioning Back Office POLCE and Exclusions Population Based & Integrated Care Reduce Agency Spend Frailty 6
STP Primary Care Workstreams 2017/18 Q1-4: Working with NHSE GPFV “Time for Care Programme” to run 2/3 GPFV events during 2017. All 3 STP CCG’s supporting all their practices to undertake Workflow Optimisation initiatives. 2017/18 Q2-4: STP CCG’s to focus on NHSE online consultations requirements ENHCG supporting the development of the Physician Associates scheme with University of Hertfordshire (UoH). Consideration of International recruitment of GPs.
What Can you do?
GPFV - Multidisciplinary Team “Wider members of the practice based team will play an increasing role in providing day-to-day co-ordination and delivery of care. Greater use of skill mix will be the key to releasing capacity” Page 7
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