Digging Into the Next Generation Science Standards Welcome ! Digging Into the Next Generation Science Standards Warm-Up! Follow the link to assess your current understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards. Link to Form Tara Ellis - Elementary Science, Washington County Public Schools Bobby Burkhart - Secondary Science, Washington County Public Schools At what level of the learning progression did you rate yourself? Why do you envision your understanding of NGSS at this level of the learning progression?
GOALS I understand the rationale behind the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards. I can identify and describe the relationship between and among the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standard. I can recognize the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards in a science classroom. I can use the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards to evaluate and provide feedback to science teachers.
Introduction to the NGSS Use the chart paper to organize your ideas about: Impact on instruction Questions you have IMPACT QUESTIONS Chart Paper and Markers
A Vision for Science Education Think About How do the NGSS represent a shift in science education? What do teachers in this video learn from engaging with the NGSS? How do the three dimensions work together?
MYTH BUSTERS NGSS are... Science standards - Performance Expectations What students need to do An integration of the 3 dimensions Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Real world science A smaller set of DCIs for deeper understanding Radically different than the way I taught NGSS are not… Science curriculum Just inquiry or hands on learning Cookbook experiments in the lab Watered down content The same thing we’ve always done Resource: Appendix A: Conceptual Shifts in the NGSS
Stop and Jot I understand the rationale behind the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards. Key Points to Remember: Add/Revise Ideas and Questions Your T-Chart
The Three Dimensions Appendix E: Disciplinary Core Ideas Appendix F: Science and Engineering Practices Appendix G: Crosscutting Concepts The Three Dimensions
Stop and Jot I can identify and describe the relationship between and among the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standard. Key Points to Remember: Add/Revise Ideas and Questions Your T-Chart
WCPS Revision of EQuIP Rubric for Alignment to NGSS
EXPLICIT: I can see it, point to it in a lesson or unit, highlight it, or quote it directly from what is written. Mark-up the text. Provide Copy of Lesson
Stop and Jot I can recognize the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards in a science classroom. Key Points to Remember Add/Revise Ideas and Questions Your T-Chart
WCPS Revision of EQuIP Rubric for Alignment to NGSS How could this tool be used to evaluate and provide feedback to teachers?
Evaluate and provide feedback to this teacher: Evidence Evidence and Feedback Evaluate and provide feedback to this teacher: Evidence 3 Dimensions of NGSS Insert Deep Dive
Stop and Jot I can use the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards to evaluate and provide feedback to science teachers. Key Points to Remember: Add/Revise Ideas and Questions Your T-Chart
GOALS I understand the rationale behind the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards. I can identify and describe the relationship between and among the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standard. I can recognize the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards in a science classroom. I can use the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards to evaluate and provide feedback to science teachers.