Measuring Volume of Non-cubical Objects aka The Displacement Method Volume is a measurement of how much space matter takes up.
Measuring Liquid Volume with a Graduated Cylinder Place the graduated cylinder on a flat surface. Never hold it up to your face. Get your eyes at level of the liquid in the cylinder so your sight line skims the top of the liquid.
Check to see if there is a meniscus present Check to see if there is a meniscus present. A meniscus can make the liquid level appear higher than it is. Look at the bottom of the meniscus to get an accurate measurement.
You can accurately read a graduated cylinder to .5 mL. What is the volume shown?
Volume By Displacement Fill the graduated cylinder at least halfway with water. Record the volume of the water. Drop the object into the water without splashing.
Record the volume of the water and the object together. Subtract the volume of the water from the volume of the water and object. This is the volume of the object. Remember- Convert liquid volume units (ml) to solid volume units (cm3)
Today’s Directions Find the volume of the cubical solids by measuring the length, width, and height with a ruler and then multiplying. Find the volume of the cubical solids by using the displacement method. Find the volume of the non-cubical solids by using the displacement method. Don’t forget the correct units of measure.
Volume By Displacement Shape Length Width Height Volume (cm3) Volume by Displacement (cm3) Cube Bar Marble x