Teacher’s Notes
6 London and Paris Which cities are central to the plot of Dickens’ ‘Tale of Two Cities’? Volunteer 6 Volunteer 1 Click here for answer Click here for question Choose teams
Click on the team names to select two different teams Choose the teams counter 1 Volunteer 1 Volunteer 2 Volunteer 3 Volunteer 4 Volunteer 5 Volunteer 6 first 6 second Click on the team names to select two different teams Volunteer 6 Volunteer 1 1 Play
Teacher’s Instruction: Preparation: You will need to devise six questions and their answers. Input this data into the table on slide 2 following the directions on this slide. You will be splitting your class into (up to) 6 teams. Enter the team names into slide 2. The students will write their answer to each question and show the rest of the class – the participating students will need a mini-whiteboard or can use the ‘draw board’ (laminated if desired) – slide 8. Running the Activity: The activity has 6 questions – the teacher needs to ensure that all teams have an opportunity to participate at some point. Run the slideshow and click ‘Start’ and then ‘Start’ again. Let the students see the introductory slide. Invite two teams to send their first representative to the front of the class and prepare to write their answer. When the participating students are ready, click on ‘click here for question’. The first question will appear . Note: the question disappears after 10 seconds. When both students have finished, declare a winner by stating which student completed their (correct) answer first. Check the answer by clicking ‘click here for answer’. This may be a prompt to ask further questions to the whole class. Ask the ‘losing’ student to sit down and click on ‘Choose teams’. The teacher can decide if the winning participant stays on or another member of the winning team takes over answering the question. Choose the two teams to answer the next question. Click on the winning team first and then a new team next. Click on ‘Play’ to return to the question slide. Repeat this process for all 6 questions.
Cowboy Shootout draw board