Mind’s On – Terms Review Simply Define the term you’ve been given, and hopefully a volunteer will give us the Significance! Juno Beach Appeasement POW Battle of Britain Isolationism Dec. 8, 1941 Dec. 7, 1941
Mind’s On - Discuss It is 1941 – What do we know/think we know about Japanese Canadians living in Canada? What do we know/think we know about the attack on Pearl Harbour? How might these events be related?
The Japanese Canadian Experience in WW2
Background At the start of World War II, approximately 23,000 people of Japanese descent lived in Canada, mostly in British Columbia. 75% held Canadian citizenship and over 13,000 were Japanese-Canadians (they were born in Canada). Most Japanese-Canadians were hard workers, owned land, and paid taxes.
Pearl Harbour Japan attacks Pearl Harbour (Hawaii) on Dec. 7 1941in a surprise attack This draws the US into WW2
Canada’s Response Canada declared war on Japan shortly after The Japanese were unfairly suspected of being spies as many were fisherman Once again Canada invokes the War Measures Act The property of the Japanese-Canadians (land, business etc.) were confiscated by the government and sold and the proceeds were used to pay for their internment
Anti Japanese Propaganda
Internment Camps The War Measures Act is once again brought in, stripping citizens of their rights to justify internment By the end of 1942 more than 22,000 men, women, and children of Japanese ancestry were taken to the camps
Conditions were poor, men were forced into labour Those unwilling to live in internment camps faced the possibility of deportation to Japan
Mind’s On – The Ethical Dimension Quick Discuss - Partner What was Canada’s justification for putting Japanese-Canadians in internment camps? This happened 75 years ago. Should Canada have a responsibility to survivors and/or the descendants of the Japanese-Canadian internment camps? Ideas?
Picture Response Task: Respond to the pictures on your sheet with the ‘two look’ model we sometimes use. At ‘first look’ just write down what you see. With the ‘second look’ write down what you think about it and any questions you might have.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Minoru – NFB Film The film linked to the picture below tells the story of how a child named Minoru lived through internment and the impact it had on him for the rest of his life
New Denver – Then…
…and Now
Canada’s Response- Textbooks Get a Creating Canada textbook and read the information about Canada’s response on pg. 319 and answer the following questions in your notes (in full sentences). Use specific things from the textbook in your answers. How many people were actually charged with spying or disloyalty? When did the apology come and which Prime Minister gave it? How would the settlement help survivors? How would the settlement help their descendants? How would the settlement benefit other Canadians? How would the apology and settlement help Canada’s reputation? Do you agree with Brian Mulroney in his statement about facing up to historical facts? Why or why not?
Wrap Up – What’s the Lesson? With the person beside you and then as a class discuss the following question: What can we learn about the treatment of other cultures in the present based on events of the past such as this?