SAS 101: An Introduction to SAS November 2012
Please Do the Following: Connect to the Internet Navigate to: If a registered user, sign-in If not a registered user, join now Place your name and school district/organization on your name tent Your School District/Organization Your Name Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Welcome and Introductions SAS 101 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Module 1: Standards Aligned System and Portal Overview Module 2: Six Elements of a Standards Aligned System Module 3: Teacher Tools Closing Remarks and Evaluation Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Rules of Participation Cell phones should be switched off or placed in silent mode Don’t be afraid to ask questions If you think of a question that may be off topic, write the question on a Post-it to be addressed at the appropriate time Respect opinions If you need assistance please raise your hand or place your name tent in the vertical position Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Formative Assessment How would you rate your knowledge of the Six Elements of the Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System (SAS)? I am unfamiliar with the Six Elements of a Standards Aligned System. I can list the Six Elements of a Standards Aligned System. I can list and define the Six Elements of a Standards Aligned System. I feel comfortable explaining the Six Elements of a Standards Aligned System to someone else. Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Formative Assessment What is your level of experience using the SAS Portal? I have never used the SAS Portal. I have used the SAS Portal but am not a registered user. I am a registered user and have used the SAS Portal in a limited way. I feel comfortable helping someone else use the SAS Portal. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Formative Assessment What is your general skill level with computers and using the Internet? Limited - Use the Internet less than once per day; 3-5 times per week or less. Moderate - Use the Internet at least once per day. High - Use the Internet several times per day. Advanced - Use advanced features (e.g., Google tools, cloud computing). Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Formative Assessment What is your primary role in your school/district/organization? District Level Administrator Building Level Administrator Teacher Higher Education Other Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Objectives Identify the six elements of a Standards Aligned System. Discuss the intent of a Standards Aligned System and explain how the elements of a Standards Aligned System can improve student achievement. Identify ways to address the needs of all learners. Explain the dynamic quality of SAS and its ongoing enhancements. Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Objectives Compare the different functions within the Standards section and practice using the functions for varied purposes. Identify and navigate the various components of the Curriculum Frameworks for a variety of subject areas and grade levels and identify ways to use these frameworks to inform instruction. Review resource materials related to Assessments. Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Objectives Create customized student assessments using released test items aligned to PA Standards and Eligible Content. Identify the different types of resources contained in the SAS Materials & Resources section. Search and identify Materials & Resources aligned to PA Standards and Eligible Content relevant to their assignments and select items to store in their personal ePortfolios. Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Objectives Identify and find resources in the Instruction section that demonstrate effective instructional strategies as well as offering suggested interventions appropriate for their students. Locate resources that promote a positive and safe learning environment for students in Safe & Supportive Schools. Upload materials to their personal ePortfolios as well as add and delete folders within the ePortfolio. Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS 101 Objectives Using the My Website tool, build a website to post announcements and store relevant materials and resources to enhance home-school communications. Join a SAS Professional Learning Community and participate in the Communities, Blogs, and Forums that are available in the SAS Professional Learning Communities relevant to their grade level/subject area or educational role. Utilize the Teacher Tools to support personal and professional growth. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
1.4.3.A Standards Coding Subject Area Ordinal Descriptor Standard area Grade level Ordinal Descriptor Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
R3.A.1.1 Anchor Coding Reading Grade Level Reporting Category Assessment Anchor Descriptor Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
SAS Portal Help Desk SAS Portal Help Desk Email: Toll Free: 1.877.973.3727 1.877.9PDESAS Copyright ©2012 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania