Learning How to “Excel” Adam Little Catharine Reeder
Ribbon Multiple ways to get Excel to do what you want
Workbook A workbook is another word for your Excel file When you start Excel, the Start screen opens Click Blank workbook to create an Excel workbook from scratch or search for a template
Worksheet A worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data Each Excel workbook can contain multiple worksheets Manipulating sheets: insert, rename, move, delete, copy
Data Types Text Numerics
Data Types - Text Letter and numbers in combined cell
Data Type - Numeric Numbers Formulas Date/Time Numeric characters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , % $ + = * / ( ) ^
Navigation and Data Entry Open Excel Cursor in C7 Enter the number 36000 Format
Find & Select Use Excel's Find and Replace feature to quickly find specific text and replace it with other text Use Excel's Go To Special feature to quickly select all cells with formulas, comments, conditional formatting, constants, data validation, etc. Download and open “Learning How to Excel” workbook
Find & Select Find Replace Go To Special Click Home tab Editing group Find & Select Find “Ferrari” ‘Find Next’ or ‘Find All’ Replace Click Home tab Editing group Find & Select Replace “Veneno” & “Diablo” ‘Find Next’ ‘Replace’ Go To Special Click Home tab Editing group Find & Select Go To Special Formulas Ok
Printing Print a worksheet and change some important print settings in Excel
Sorting Data Select “Sorting” worksheet Format cell width Highlight the columns you wish to format Home Cells Format AutoFit Column Width
Sorting Data (cont.) Quick sorting Select cell B4 Works when you want to sort by one column only Works if there are no blank columns in the middle of your data Select cell B4 Data Sort & Filter Sort A to Z Home Editing Sort A to Z
Sorting Data (cont.) Sorting multiple by multiple columns Data Sort & Filters Sort First drop down is the column you want to sort by Second drop down is what to sort on (Values is used 95% of the time) Third drop down is how to sort A to Z, Smallest to Largest If multiple columns are wanted, click Add Level button Sort by Gender, State, BirthYr
Filtering Data Used to narrow down information you want/need Data needs to have header row Click on the “Filtering” worksheet
Filtering Data (cont.) Data Sort & Filter Filter Home Editing Sort & Filter Filter Number of people who bought a laptop? Number of people who bought a laptop in March 2014?
Filtering Data (cont.) Number Filters Number of items sold that are between $1000 and $3000 Number Filters Between 15
Protect Encrypt an Excel file with a password so that it requires a password to open it The workbook structure, users cannot insert, delete, rename, move, copy, hide or unhide worksheets anymore Lock cells in Excel if you want to protect cells from being edited
Protect (cont.) Protect Workbook Protect Sheet Review Changes Protect Workbook Enter Password Protect Sheet Review Changes Protect Sheet Enter Password
Protect – Lock Cells (cont.) Default – Locked Select cells to unlock Right click Format Cells Protection tab Uncheck ‘Locked’
Protect – Read-only Workbook (cont.) Save As Tools General Options Enter passwords