Date of download: 10/18/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Comparative Analysis of Methods for Estimating Arm Segment Parameters and Joint Torques From Inverse Dynamics J Biomech Eng. 2011;133(3):031003-031003-15. doi:10.1115/1.4003308 Figure Legend: (a) Upper arm, forearm, and hand segmentation employed in our (PI) estimation method. Each section was divided in portions with length up to 0.1 m starting from the distal end. The moment of inertia IM of each portion was measured about the y-axes and combined in the matrix of inertia of the complete limb by means of the Huygens–Steiner theorem. (b) Apparatus used to measure the volume of the portions. The water was warmed to a temperature of 37°C for comfort. A graduated cylinder with a resolution of 2×10−7 m3 was used to measure the volume of water progressively displaced by each portion. The graduated cylinder was emptied after the immersion of each portion.