Français 2, 10 Decembre 2012 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 70. Faites #17. What five letter word has 6 left when you take two letters away? Se moquer – to.


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Français 2, 5 decembre 2016 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 56. Faites #2 Ecoutons. What game can be dangerous to your mental health? Rire – to laugh. Rira.
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Français 2/8/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 115. Ecrivez six phrases. Tell how much you like or dislike the each of the activities in “vocabulaire à la.
Ouvrez vos livres á la page 151. Faites #15 Méli-Mélo.
Cinq minutes preparer à l’interro 5-1. What country makes you shiver?
Français 2, 10 decembre 2018 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 371. Faites le 27. What do haunted chickens lay? Se moquer – to make fun of. Il se moque de tout.
Français 2, 3 decembre 2018 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 47. Dessinez le vocabulaire. What game can be dangerous to your mental health? Rire – to laugh.
Presentation transcript:

Français 2, 10 Decembre 2012 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 70. Faites #17. What five letter word has 6 left when you take two letters away? Se moquer – to make fun of. Il se moque de tout. He makes fun of everything. Goals – Faites Orale 3-1. Watch video. Les Devoirs – #19, p. 71.

Français 2, 11 Decembre 2012 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 71. Faites #18. What is too much for one, enough for two, but nothing for three? Se rendre compte – to realize. Te rends-tu compte de la gravité de ce probleme? Do your realize how serious the problem is? Goals – Watch video. Learn about French meals. Vocabulary. Les Devoirs – PAS!

Français 2, 12 Decembre 2012 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 72. Faites #20 Ecoute. When Adam introduced himself to Eve, what three words did he use? Hint: they read the same backwards as forward. Le discours – speech. Son discours était très émouvant. His speech was very moving. Goals – Review ordering in a café and work in the different courses. Work with verbs vouloir and pouvoir. Les Devoirs – Page 72, #21.

Français 2, 13 Decembre 2012 Ecrivez six phrases avec le six formes de vouloir. Faible – weak. Il na pas de point faible. He has not weak spot. What is worse than raining cats and dogs? Goals – Practice offering and requesting food at the table. Partitive articles! Working with vouloir and pouvoir. Les Devoirs – Page 83, #5.

Français 2, 14 Decembre 2012 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 73. Faites #22 Ecoute. What do acorns say when they grow up? Décorer – to decorate Je vais décorer la maison pour les fêtes. Im going to decorate the house for the holidays. Goals – Practicing for Orale 3-2. Pass the potatos! Les Devoirs – Pas!