The classes 1°A, 2°A e 3°A of the “Istituto Comprensivo Molise Altissimo”-Carovilli (Italy) present: Our rain gauge School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
An interpretation that cross-links : Sciences with Mathematics; saying with doing; the strong with the weak; the different classes; Italian with English language; the school with the families; the school with the institutions. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
What is a rain gauge? The rain gauge is the instrument used to measure the amount of rain falls down in one day. It is made up by a funnel and a container, often graduated. The more the funnel is large, the more accurate is the rain gauge. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
With a rain- gauge you can: gauge the precipitations; apply the proportions; create graphics; compare during the time; verify the growth of the trees; work in group and among classes; collaborate with external corporations; School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Our rain-gauge a becher which can contain until two litres; a funnel with a circle section that coincides with the becher one; School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The accessory A 100 ml graduated cylinder to measure also little quantities of water. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The positioning of the rain gauge We put the rain gauge outside; We choose a place free from every kind of obstacles (trees, roofs ….etc). School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Survey of the data(1) Every day at 8:30 We poured the rain in the cylinder; School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Survey of the data (2) After we read the volume (ml) of the rain. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Advice 1 What happens if the rain exceed the highest level of the cylinder? - fill the cylinder up to the maximum level; repeat the measurement till to run out of the gathered rain; sum up the results. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Advice 2 What happens if the rain contained in the rain gauge is frozen? - put the rain gauge in a warm place for a short time; - after measure as normally. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Advice 3 And if the funnel is full of snow? - Let the snow thaw out; - Make the gauging (remember in this case the data is not very reliable). School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Snow = water? When we thawed the snow we noticed that the two volumes were not the same. We found 350 cm³ snow ≈ 120 ml water School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The snow occupies a greater volume than water. Snow = water? (2) The snow occupies a greater volume than water. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Here is the Mathematics! The rain is measured in millimetres for m², but the rain gauge gives us datas in milliliters. Besides the rain gauge has got a section smaller than 1 m², so it is necessary to apply some mathematical rules to get valid results. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Calculus of the area of the section of the rain gauge We apply a little of geometry: we measured the diameter, that is 15,7cm; than we calculated the radius: r = cm(15,7:2) = 7,85 cm and finally the area: A = r²ग = cm² (7,85²ग) = =cm² 193,5 School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Calculus of the millilitres(ml) of the rain. A little more of Maths (a proportion) to calculate the quantity of the rain (ml) for 1 m². a : b = x : c a = ml of rain in the rain gauge. b = area of our rain gauge (193,5 cm²) x = ml /m² c = 10.000 cm² (= 1 m²) School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Calculus of the millimetres (mm) of the rain In meteorological measurements the quantity of the rain is expressed in mm/m² 1mm/ m² = 1 litre of rain So: ml/m² = litres/m² = mm/m² rain School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The “Protezione Civile” (an Italian civilian corps for the protection of the population) We asked the “Protezione Civile” the pluviometric datas of the last 30 years relative to our zone and they sent them by e-mail. It was even explained us that for “rainy day” we have to consider a day with more than 1mm/m². School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Here our data January 2009 had the highest number of “rainy days” of last 30 years. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Shkodran’s graph Shkodran learned to built a graphic. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Mario’s weather service Every day Mario watches the sky and draws what the weather is like. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Mario’s graph Mario’s graph informs us as the weather changes. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The trees The trees grow in a particular area called “inner skin” that it’s under the bark. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The trees (2) Every year the trees’ growth is recognizable by the formation of a new ring that is evident in the trunk section. 1 ring = 1 year 1 year School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The rings The water influences the plants’ growth. A larger ring indicates a rainy year. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The idea During winter, all families cut wood for their fireplaces (heating) Why don’t ask parents for some wood rings to read rainy datas of the past? School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The parents… …generously answered! School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The discovery Comparing datas read on the trunck with datas that the Protezione Civile gave us we obtained the same information about rain. 2003 School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
...that were very rainy years! Conclusion In every trees’ section we found more larger rings corresponding to years ( 2005, 2004, 2003, 1994 and 1987… ...that were very rainy years! School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
The rainy years School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
In confirmation The nature confirms the Protezione Civile rainfall dates. 2003 School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
This interpretation has strongly united: Sciences with Maths; saying with doing; the strong with the weak; the different classes; Italian with English language; the school with the families; the school with the institutions. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Thanks.. the english teacher, Maria Spina Cinquina for her precious collaboration. the parents that procured and offered the trunk’s sections. the school-staff for the cooperation. School year 2008/2009 Comenius project
Thanks for your attention School year 2008/2009 Comenius project