World War II Aftermath
U.S.S.R -Invaded by Germany and its allies on June 22, 1941 -Suffers over 20 million military and civilian deaths Contributes greatest share of the fighting in the defeat of germany
Establishes communist governments in 8 countries in eastern Europe at the end of the war in 1945
United STATEs- most powerful nation on earth after defeat of Germany and japan in 1945
Atomic bombs dropped on Japan, August 6 and August 9, 1945 USA becomes world’s first- and at the time only- atomic power
Poland 6 million polish deaths in world war ii- 20% of the population, greater % than any country 3 million are jews, many die at death camps in Poland Polish soldiers fight for the allies from the first day of the war in Europe until the last At wars end, the USSR occupies Poland, installs a communist government, and moves its borders
Poland’s changing borders 1939 1945
Japan Japan attempts to create economic empire in the pacific and asia Reconquered by USA and its allies
August 1945 After atomic bomb raids, continued other bombings, and the entry of the ussr into the war- japan unconditionally surrenders
China Continues to fight war against japan with much usa aid, 1937-1945 Communists and nationalists reunite briefly against the common enemy China suffers over 15 million deaths in the war
Chinese civil war 1945-1949 communists win and drive nationalists to island of Taiwan usa is considered by conservatives to have “lost china”
Germany- Conquers continental Europe from west to east- Defeated by combined allied effort by 1945 7 million military and civilian deaths
Germany defeated, may 1945 Hitler commits suicide Germany divided Ussr and usa troops meet in germany Germany divided
Italy Joins war in 1940- defeated by allies in Africa, europe and ussr 1943- Mussolini overthrown and rescued by germans who occupy Italy, Italy surrenders and joins allies
May 1945- Mussolini executed allies liberate Italy from germany
British empire Britain left alone to fight Germany in 1940 Bombed heavily but wins air “battle of Britain” Attacked by japan, December 1941
Atlantic charter and lend lease- grand alliance formed with USA -with usa defeats Germany and japan by 1945 with the Cost of war heavy, the british empire begins to dissolve at war’s end
France Defeated and occupied by Germany in 1940 Vichy france government collaborates with Germany Free French led by Charles de gaulle fight on
1944- 1945 France liberated by d day invasion Free French join in the defeat and occupation of GErmany