WWII In A Day 1939 to 1945.


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Presentation transcript:

WWII In A Day 1939 to 1945

Major Players Allies Axis FDR - U.S. Stalin - Soviets (Russia) Churchill – British Charles de Gaulle - Exiled French Hitler – Germany Mussolini - Italy Tojo (and Hirohito) - Japan Allies Axis

Beginning Of WWII Hitler took over parts of Austria, Czechoslovakia, and finally Poland (Soviet Russia took the other ½ of Poland). The alliance between Stalin and Hitler would soon fade. Poland was a great example of Hitler’s Blitzkrieg. With Poland invaded even though Britain and France didn’t want another war they declared one.

Blitz Blitzkrieg used tanks to quickly crush opponents. France fell shortly after the German attack. The Blitz was the aerial bombing of Britain and its citizens by the Luftwaffe.

European Theater Hitler Stalin After failing to take Britain in the Blitz Hitler attacked the Soviet Union (Russia) in Operation Barbarosa… catching Stalin by surprise! The British and Soviets were fighting to just survive, but the Soviets were slowly pushing the Germans back. The battle of Stalingrad signaled the turning point in Europe. Soviets lost more men here than the U.S. lost in the whole war.

Yalta Conference Big 3… Decide the terms of post war Europe

Operation Torch U.S./Britain attack Nazi occupied N. Africa and then Italy. Mussolini falls from power but fighting continues in Italy for most of the war.

Operation Overlord Largest sea borne invasion in history, involving almost three million troops. British, Canadian, and U.S. troops landed at Normandy, France.

Final Solution to the “Jewish Problem” 1942-1945 Extermination Camps. SS units followed the German army and eliminated Soviets/Jews/handicapped/etc. Gas/rail/crematoriums used. White Rose of Munich….

V-E Day U.S. and British started bombing German cities, one famous one was Dresden. Soon after the fall of France to the Allies with Soviets invading from the East the Germans attempted a last try for victory, the Battle of the Bulge (which failed). V-E Day = Victory in Europe

Dresden: A picture of Destroyed Europe