Kindergarten Orientation
Welcome to the best elementary school around Introduction of teacher and para Contact Information: We are the wolves who walk with PRIDE welcome to the pack!
Transportation Please ensure your child has their colored bus tag so teachers can get them to the correct classroom. Car riders: Drop off begins at 8:30 Pick up begins at 3:35. You need to have a car rider number in your vehicle and on the backpack. Bus website: This year we also have a app that allows you to see real time where the buses are located. My Bus Stop
Daily Schedule Academic Schedule Daily snack ( healthy food only and bring eating utensils) Wear shoes for running. We run every day either in PE or on the track/playground. Fridays are STEM Friday, please wear clothing that can get messy!
8:30- 9:00- Arrival 9:05-Morning Meeting 9:30-Brain Break 9:45- 10:30-Literacy Stations 10:30 -10:45 Morning Recess 10:45- Story Time/ Snack 11:00-Writer’s Workshop 11:30- 11:40-Quiet Time Reading 11:50- 12:20-Lunch 12:20- 12:40-Bathroom Break 12:45- 1:00-Recess 1:00-1:10-Responsive Classroom Quiet Selection 1:10- 1:45-Math Stations 1:55- 2:40 -Specials 2:45- 3:15-Social Studies/Science 3:15- 3:35-Pack up/Closing Circle/Dismissal
Homework Folders Folders will go home daily. Please check them nightly for communication, homework, classwork. Homework is sent home every Monday and needs to be returned on Friday. Sight words are an important part of learning to read. They are words that can not be sounded out. I will provide 1 set of flashcards and if a replacement is needed, please see my website link and print out as needed.
Website Our school has a website where you can locate school, grade level, and teacher information.
Differentiation Students grow in academics at different rates. We have flexible reading/math groups All learners will be challenged at their level. My reading, math, sight words, and homework is based off of the student’s mastery level.
Behavior Plan I will be using the researched based model: Positive Behavior Intervention Support Color System Rewards Daily Communication via folder
Field Trip We have a field trip scheduled on September 15th to Riverside Theater. Please send in permission slips and money ASAP( today if possible) Tee shirts are worn for security. We know what class/school the child belongs to. They are 7.00 and need to be purchased ASAP ( today if possible) We only have a specific number of chaperones allowed for each individual fieldtrip and names will be drawn as a fair way to decide.
Needed Supplies Headphones ( no ear buds please, these tend to be hard for the little guys) Art shirt Extra clothes Towel
Cafeteria Website to add money Price $2.60 for full lunch .50 milk only .50 dessert Only available for lunch buyers
Project Based Learning We will be doing the engineering model design briefs multiple times this year. This means your child will learn through real life hand on experiences, while working collaboratively. Please donate: Toothpicks Mini marshmallows No later than September 16th