Teaching Strategies for elderly
Outline Introduction about elderly. Importance of teaching elderly. Nursing Roles Aging process and physical, cognitive , and psychosocial changes for elderly and their needed Method and tools chosen for teaching Summary
Introduction People who are over age 65 (universally) consider as elderly but in jordan over 60 Most of the elderly suffer from at least one chronic condition, and may have multiple conditions .
إحصائيات كبار السن في الأردن: إحصائيات كبار السن في الأردن: يوجد (11) داراً لرعاية المسنين من كلا الجنسين ست منها تابعة للقطاع التطوعي وخمس للقطاع الخاص وتقوم الوزارة بشراء الخدمة من دور الرعاية التطوعية لكبار السن الفقراء اضافة الى وجود 5 نواد نهارية. نسبة العاملين من كبار السن في الاردن 8,% 2منهم في القطاع الخاص 90,3% و 2,9% القطاع العام و نسبة كبار السن الذكور الذين يتقاضون راتبا تقاعديا للشيخوخة بشكل وجوبي من الضمان %88 ومن الاناث 12%.
خدمات المسنين في الاردن غير كافية خاصة لسكان البادية والأرياف حيث اظهرت الدراسة بان الأردن يحتاج إلى المزيد من الخدمات الحيوية في مجال صحة كبار السن مثل..تأمين الرعاية الطبية والتمريضية المنزلية وزيادة عدد العيادات والمراكز الصحية المؤهلة وتأسيس أقسام متخصصة لتقديم خدمات شاملة لهم في المستشفيات والمراكز الصحية كما أن هناك حاجة ملحة لتوسيع نطاق الفرص التعليمية في ميدان العلوم الصحية للشيخوخة. كما أن المرأة المسنة بحاجة إلى الخدمة والعناية والرعاية كون النسبة العظمى من السيدات كبار السن من الأرامل والعازبات ونسبة المتزوجات أقل بصورة واضحة عن الذكور المتزوجين ما يستدعي العمل على توجيه برامج خاصة لتأمين الرعاية لهن.
The importance of teaching elderly: to help them to learn coping with irreversible losses and explain to them the changes that occur .
Nursing Roles assess each learner physical, cognitive, and psychosocial function level before develop and implementing any teaching plan. assess learning need . assess both patient and family to gain the knowledge and skill necessary to meet ongoing healthcare need .
The nurses should understand the elder developmental tasks to allow nurses to alter how they approach both well and ill individuals in terms of counseling, teaching, and establishing a therapeutic relationship. Social isolation, loneliness, and sensory deprivation may lead to decreased cognitive functioning and may prevent or delay early disease detection and intervention. Decline in psychomotor performance affects their reflex responses, energy levels, and ability to handle stress.
Changes and needing consider using specific teaching techniques when providing health teaching for older people. Some elders have increasing difficulty understanding complex sentences, are less proficient than younger people in drawing inferences, and have problems with motor tasks. Present new information at a slower rate than you do for younger patients. Speak in a low tone of voice and allow enough time for the patient to assimilate and integrate conceptual material
Healthy Aging - Normal Aging : ** physical changes : Skin : With age, the skin becomes less elastic and more lined and wrinkled. Fingernail growth also slows. The oil glands gradually produce less oil, making the skin drier than before 2. Hearing : Over time, changes in the ear make high-frequency sounds harder to hear and changes in tone and speech less clear. These changes tend to speed up after age 55.
3. Vision: Most people in 40 develop a need for reading glasses as the lenses in the eyes become less flexible. It's also normal for visual sharpness to decline. Also in the later years, glare increasingly interferes with clear vision.
**Psychosocial changes : Fear of the Future : As a person ages, the inevitability of death becomes more real and can often be a source of uncertainty and dread. 2. Memory and Learning : process information more slowly or must repeat a new skill several times before the steps become second nature information did not remain in short-term memory bank long enough to be transferred and stored in the long-term memory Which leads to frequent forgetfulness
3. Loss of Independence As elderly people become less physically able to engage in favorite hobbies, drive themselves to appointments or take care of things around the house, they often mourn their loss of independence
1. visual changes : Physical need : Compensate for visual changes by teaching in an environment that is : A. brightly light without glare . B. visual aids should include ( large print, well spaced letter ,and use the primary rather than pastel colors ). C. for poster use flat matte paper and black print. D. for patients who wear glasses , be sure they are readily accessible , the lenses are clean , and the frames are properly fitted
2. hearing : Compensate for hearing loss by : A. eliminating noise. B. avoiding covering your mouth when speaking .. C. directly facing the learner, and speaking slowly. D. avoiding shouting because the decibel level ( loudness) is usually not the problem
3. musculoskeletal : Compensate for musculoskeletal problem by: keeping session short. . scheduling frequent breaks to allow for use of bathroom facilities , allowing time for stretching to relive painful , stiff joint and stimulates circulation .
4. central nervous system : Compensate for any decline in CNS functioning and metabolic rate , strength , and coordinating by : setting aside more for time for giving and receiving of information and for the practice of psychomotor skills. be careful not to misinterpret the loss of energy and motor skills as a lack of motivation .
Cognitive need: Compensate of decreased short- term memory by coaching and using repetion to assist them with recall . reduce anxiety by explaining the procedure simply and thoroughly, giving reassurance that you are not testing them. Try to schedule teaching session before or well after medication taken and when the person is rested .because some medication affect the energy level on concentration , and coordination.
4. ask what an individuals already know about a healthcare issue or technique before explaining it to avoid repeating information already known . 5. find out about older person health habits and beliefs trying to change their way to reach something new. 6. arrange for brief teaching sessions , due to shortened attention spans .
*Psychosocial need : assess family relationship to determine how dependent the older person is on other members for financial and emotional support . explore the level of involvement by family members in reinforcing the lesson you are teaching and in giving assistance with self care measure .
3. determine availability of resources, because they may not be able to follow health care recommendation if they cannot afford transportation , buying or renting equipment , or purchasing medication or certain food . 4. encourage active involvement of older adult to improve their self –esteem and to stimulate them both mentally and socially .
1. one –to-one instruction provide : meet individuals need . Method and tools chosen for teaching : In order for the teaching-learning plan to be effective, it must be individualized to fit the needs and lifestyle of the older patient . The older ability to learn is affected by method and tools chosen for teaching 1. one –to-one instruction provide : meet individuals need . promote active participation in learning . 2. group teaching , also can be beneficial approach for reinforcement social skills. maintaining contact with other through shared experiences.
3. written materials may be very appropriate , but its important to know the client mental, visual, physical , and literacy abilities . ** introducing newer teaching method and tools , such as ( computer and video ) , without adequate instructions , may inhibit learning by increasing anxiety and frustration
** Summary : Its important to understand the specific and varied tasks associated with each developmental stage to individualize the approach to teaching in meeting the needs and desire of client and their families. assessment of physical , cognitive, and psychosocial maturation within each development period is crucial in determining the strategies to be used to facilitate the teaching learning method. for teaching to be effective , the nurse must be create an environment conducive to learning by presenting information at the learner level and inviting participation and feedback The nurse as main resource for health education , must be determine what's need to be taught , when to teach and how to teach
References Kozier, B., ERB, G. Berman, A. and Snyder, Sh, (2004). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concept, process, and practice (7th. Ed.). New Jersey: Person Education Bastable. B. Susan (2008) Nurse as educator principles of teaching & learning. London: Jones & Bartlett publisher. http://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/tc/healthy-aging-normal-aging http://www.seniorhomes.com/p/impacts-of-aging/