While you wait…PAPERWORK Please fill in the forms in the back if you are interested in helping volunteer for Camp Flintlock, occasional classroom clerical jobs, or Room Mom. Please check over the Emergency Card NOW, SIGN it and RETURN IT TONIGHT please. The Emergency Card and Transportation Card MUST be in the school on the first day of class. Others should be returned ASAP. Pick up a Teacher Card with my Information on it!
Welcome to Fourth Grade! Room 23
Jennifer Jewell 17th year teaching 13th year at Round Hill 1st year in 4th grade BS in K-8 Education with minor in English (Frostburg State University) Masters in Curriculum & Development: Integration of Technology in Schools (George Mason University) Masters in School Administration (Shenandoah University Live in Hamilton w/Husband of 16 years 4 Children 2 in 4th grade here at Round Hill 1 stubborn 2 year old 2 goofy Golden Retrievers Disney Fanatic! Jennifer Jewell
Departmentalization We switch classes with Mr. Hathaway every day: 8-10am Math/Science here; Reading with Hathaway; VA Studies with Homeroom All questions or concerns regarding Math, Science, History, Transportation, Attendance, Lunch, Illness, General Behavior should be directed toward Jennifer Jewell. All questions regarding Reading (or any behavior concerns in Reading particularly) should be directed toward Jason Hathaway NO Binders, Fancy Pens and Erasers, Toys Minimal Exchanges between Rooms Shared Desks Community-shared supplies
Virginia Studies Taught by homeroom teacher Weekly quizzes (Tuesdays) Monthly calendar Field Trips and Visitors Virginia Trekkers IXL SOLPass OTTW project Virginia Studies
One to the World Significant Content and Important Competencies Authentic Challenging Problems in the World Product, Performance, Service or Exhibitions for the World Connected with the World Andrew
Camp Flintlock *Volunteers Needed* On Site Field Trip October 27
Math Taught by Jewell 90 minutes of Guided Math Small Groups: spiral review throughout and tiered intervention when needed IXL Homework w/monthly incentive Weekly Quizzes (Wednesday) Reflex Math DreamBox Khan Academy, YouTube Math
Science Taught by Jewell Unit exams STEM Parent Careers? Exploring fields of study such as: Natural Resources Weather Solar System Electricity Forces/Motion Ecosystems Plants Science
VA Studies Taught by Jewell Develop a greater understanding of Virginia’s rich history Native peoples Founding of Jamestown to the present Geographic, economic, and civic concepts Utilizing geographic tools VA Studies
What is BYOT@Round Hill? 3-5th Grade students will be able to bring their own approved devices to school to enhance their learning Approved devices include: laptops, tablets, smart phones, and internet connected media players These devices are allowed for academic purposes only Kirsten or Andrew
SNACKS We will have snack at 10am each day, during class. Due to food allergies, snacks will be limited to HEALTHY CHOICES only. Absolutely no peanuts or tree nuts. Look for more information in the packet.
Birthday Treats Please do not send balloons or sweet treats as they will not be distributed in school. You may send pencils, stickers, school supplies, recess equipment, a board game or card game for the class to share for a birthday treat. You may send invitations if there is one for every child in the class.
PBIS Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports Student recognition of positive behaviors on morning show and special recognitions on Fridays (Bear Paws) Consistent expectations throughout Round Hill Elementary School (Classrooms, hallways, café, bus, playground)
Communication Monthly Newsletter/Calendar of Events Agenda Books Phone Calls Email (christy.hollar@lcps.org) Remind App: Homeroom class text @hollar16 to 81010 Math/Science class text @hlrmath16 to 81010 Conferences Twitter Account: @mrshollar (#hollarmath17) Webpage (Look under grade levels for fourth, then Hollar)
Visit our website for more detailed information on ParentVUE
Visit our website for more detailed information on ParentVUE
Check our website often for updates! www.lcps.org/roundhill We are also on Facebook and Twitter!! www.twitter.com/roundhill