Forgiveness & the Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe.


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Presentation transcript:

Forgiveness & the Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe.

Objective for today We will do film study in order to learn more about forgiveness.

Movie Click here for the movie part 1

Questions after watching the first lesson Who are the main characters(write their name and 1 sentence describing who they are)? What are the problems that the brothers and sisters are facing? Why does no one believe Lucy? Would you believe Lucy(explain why)? Why does Edmond Lie? What does the professor say about believing Lucy?

Movie Click here for the movie part 2

Questions after the second viewing

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Recap What is the greatest commandment? Why is forgiveness important? Who needs forgiveness from sin?

After watching the whole film Quick plot summary In 5 bullet point write down the story of the movie.

What is forgiveness? With a partner work out what you think each of these words mean. Sacrifice Mercy Forgiveness Love Justice Law Right Guilty Sin Freedom Healing Try to give an example from the movie with each word.

Lesson Objective Today we will be able to explain how the process of forgiveness works

Recap What is mercy? What is love?

Why does Edmond need forgiveness? Write 6 sentences on this Your first sentence will give you the reason. “Edmond needs forgives because…..” The Second sentence will be you example from the movie it could be a quote Your third to six sentence will explain why did you show that example. How is it connected to what you said in the first sentence?

How do you think forgiveness works? Define the following terms at your table. Atonement Penance Absolution Satisfaction Reconciliation Contrition Put them in order that they happen

How often should I go to confession? Should I only go to confession when I have sinned mortally? Do it make me a bad person that I keep going back to confession? How can I show forgiveness in my own life?