Topic 5 Review The Early Republic.


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Presentation transcript:

Topic 5 Review The Early Republic

1. Why did Washington reject the advise of Jefferson and Hamilton and Adopt a Policy of Neutrality? He realized that the nation could not afford another war so soon after the revolution

2. When Adams was president What can be inferred about the effect the war between France and England had on the United States? That attacks on American shipping vessels led to a build up of the American Naval force.

Americans could now legally start settling in the West. 3. What was the effect of Jefferson buying the Louisiana Purchase on the United States? Americans could now legally start settling in the West.

4. How did news of the peace treaty weaken the federalist party? The party’s efforts seemed pointless and disloyal.

5. Why was the Monroe Doctrine a bold foreign policy statement? It asserted U.S. power in the Americas.

6. How did Hamilton’s background influence his economic stance? His path from poverty to wealth led him to believe that supporting business and trade improves the economy.

7. What best summarizes Washington’s viewpoint on American foreign policy? The United States should limit interaction with Europe to commerce and trade.

The act placed severe restrictions on several First Amendment rights. 8. How did the government overstep its authority by enacting the sedition act? The act placed severe restrictions on several First Amendment rights.

9. What was Jefferson’s main concern of the Marbury v. Madison decision? He was concerned that the decision gave the supreme court too much authority.

10. Where did most of the battles of the War of 1812 take place? The battles occurred near water so troops could be easily transported.

11. What was the primary benefit of the Louisiana Purchase? It doubled the amount of land in the United States.

The Federalist Party believed in a strong central government. 12. Favoring the idea of national regulation of trade between states would be an example of which political party? The Federalist Party believed in a strong central government.

The purchase of the Louisiana territory 13. Which action by Jefferson does not reflect his belief in the need to reduce the power of government? The purchase of the Louisiana territory

Each held national economic concerns. 14. What common ground did John Calhoun, Daniel Webster, and Henry Clay have on what major issue? Each held national economic concerns.

15. Why were the Northern states in favor of Hamilton’s protective tariff? The tariff made goods produced in the North less expensive than imported goods.

16. Why did Jefferson and his Democratic Republican party oppose policies that favored manufacturing and trade? They felt it would corrupt the nation and give power only to a wealthy few.

17. The passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts led directly to what? States claiming they had the right to determine the constitutionality of a law.

It lessened government interference. 18. Why did Jefferson favor the laissez faire attitude toward the nation’s economy? It lessened government interference.

19. How did the Treaty of Greenville settle the ongoing conflict between the Native Americans and the white settlers? By signing the Treaty, the Native Americans received payment for their lands.

20. How would Clay’s American System with high tariffs on imported goods have benefited the West and South? He expected that Northerners would use their profits to buy farmed goods from the West and South.

21. What was an important first step George Washington took as President? He made alliances with France and Spain to ensure foreign nations would not try to colonize other areas of America.

22. How did the election of 1796 increase political tensions? President Adams and Vice President Jefferson belonged to different political parties and did not agree on government policy.

23. Revolution in Latin America led to? Newly independent neighbors for the United States.