Leveraging College Partnerships Towards becoming top ten San Bernardino Valley College Middle College Program
Introduction James Espinoza Linda Etzel Susan Gasca Kimberly Wingson Middle College High School Principal Linda Etzel Middle College High School Facilitator Susan Gasca Counselor and Liaison for San Bernardino Valley College’s Middle College High School Program Kimberly Wingson Counselor for San Bernardino Valley College’s Middle College High School Program
AGENDA Expectations Presentations Educational Plans Registration Collaboration with Staff The Committee Academic Probation Middle College Data Funding Q & A
Expectations 2 Classes/Minimum 4 units Passing classes (C or Better) Progress Reports Academics Attendance Demeanor Graduating with A-G Requirements Graduate Average Number of Units (32-60 Degree Applicable) Student Expectations Support Intervention Communication
Counselor Presentations Application process Health Forms Concurrent Enrollment forms Creating Wish List Understanding Forms Associate Degree/IGETC Requirements Articulation Agreements Education Plan Appointments College Planning Exposure to college culture Resources Transitioning To College Review of Handbook Review of College Planning Review Presentations Websites Interest Surveys Connections to Colleges (impaction) Choosing a Major Acknowledgement of Progress Towards Goal Motivation to Finish Strong Senior Recognition (AA/IGETC)
Education Plans Students Goals IGETC Associate Degree Mandated to meet with Counselor once a year Students Goals IGETC Associate Degree Lower Division Major Requirements Minimum 2 courses per semester A-G Requirements Tracking Students for AA/IGETC Provide Data to the High School Prioritize Courses for Registration
Registration Approved Course (CEP/Ed Plan) Approval for Overload Preregistration Process The Day of Registration: All hands on deck On High School Site: Counselor and MCHS Staff Check Out Students College/SBVC Office-Monitoring and Balancing Approved Course (CEP/Ed Plan) Approval for Overload Approval for Online/Hybrid Approval for Late Start
Collaboration Biweekly Meetings Monthly Meetings College Departments MCHS Principal, MCHS Facilitator, Counselor and Counselor Liaison Providing staff updates about college policy Biweekly Meetings “The Committee” Joint decision making body for policy, interventions Monthly Meetings Department Dean’s for course approval Coordinating courses to be offered above the minimum 7 student restriction, closed classes on HS campus College Departments Inspire Luncheon Assist in facilitating Luncheon, contacting the community Helping students network with professionals in their industry Works with highs school to receive updated data for student majors
The Committee Who is the committee? What is the purpose? College Dean and VP College Counselors High School Principal and Facilitator What is the purpose? Policy/Procedures MOU/Handbook Academic Intervention Meetings/Appeals
Interventions/Probation Facilitated By Counselor (Liaison) Counselor MCHS Administrative Staff Indicators of Probation Progress Reports Grades Follow-Up Services Tutoring Health Services/Counseling College Counselor Meetings High School Counselor Check-in Returning to Home High School Students are placed on a Level of Probation Student/Parent Meetings Probation Contract Continuing Interventions
Data For Associate Degree/IGETC Year # of Associate in SPRING # of IGETC in SPRING # of Associate in SUMMER # of IGETC in SUMMER 2013 1 6 4 2014 8 2015 2 2016 18 19 5 2017 (PROJECTED) 27 33 7 9
Funding History Funding State Chancellor’s Grant State Community College Unified School District State Chancellor’s Grant College Textbooks College Counselor Inspire Success Luncheon Race to an AA College Spring Trip
Q & A
Contacts James Espinoza Middle College High School Principal James.espinoza@sbcusd.k12.ca.us (909) 888-4041 Linda Etzel Middle College High School Facilitator linda.etzel@sbcusd.k12.ca.us Susan Gasca Counselor and Liaison for San Bernardino Valley College’s Middle College High School Program sgasca@sbccd.cc.ca.us (909) 384-4431 Kimberly Wingson Counselor for San Bernardino Valley College’s Middle College High School Program kwingson@sbccd.cc.ca.us