Support Staff: Elaine Britten, Jo Charles, Kim Hartley Welcome to Year 1 Staff Teachers: Vicky Evans and Sarah Williams (Y1SW/VE), Sophie Withey (Y1SW) Support Staff: Elaine Britten, Jo Charles, Kim Hartley
Things to Remember Wellies for outdoor learning when muddy/wet. Fruit to be brought in in a labelled fruit box. Label all items of clothing & footwear. Children are responsible for their own belongings. Toys should not be brought into school.
Topics Autumn Term: Family Album Spring Term: Supermarkets Summer Term: Mini Zoo Our planning web will be available on the Year 1 section of the website. WEBSITE ADDRESS: Topics will usually involve a trip. This HT we are going to St Fagans to investigate how people lived in the past: 30.9.15. Please ensure consent forms are in and trip money is paid by Friday.
Our Day Mornings Afternoons 12:55-2:05: Welsh (oracy) Active Learning 2:05-2:15: Play Time 2:15- 3:15: Reading, handwriting, story time, milk. 9:00-9:30: Assembly 9.30-10 – Literacy Task 10 -10:30: Read Write Inc 10:30-10:45: Play Time 10:45-11:55: Maths 11:55-12:55: Lunch
Read Write Inc The children are grouped following an assessment. Daily phonics, reading and writing appropriate for their ability. There is an emphasis on decoding, blending and reading by sight. Children read daily for comprehension, fluency and expression.
Maths We begin with a whole class mental warm up e.g. Counting, number bonds and practise the concept for the week. We see 2 Maths groups per session. 1 group will be focusing with the teacher, the other will be on continuous provision in the classroom, then they will swap. The other 2 groups will be using the indoor and outdoor provision.
Active Learning During Active Learning, the teacher focuses with a group on Language or topic work. Children have the choice of which room to work in. There are challenges to complete in different areas in each room which allow children to practise a previously taught skill independently.
P.E. PE: Gymnastics/Games on a Wednesday for Y1SW and Thursday for Y1SW/VE. PE Kit: Shorts & t-shirt for Gym; Jogging bottoms, jumper, t-shirt and trainers for Games.
When will my child be reading? 1/2 hour of RWI everyday Individual reading once a week with the teacher. Books will be changed at this time too. We will be setting reading days from next Monday. Reading activities are incorporated across the curriculum. Your child will be part of whole class Story Time at the end of every day which we place high value on and use to encourage a love of books. Please use the home school link book to let us know how they are getting on. We will be writing some high frequency words for your child to learn to read in these books.
Homework Abacus Maths homework. We will be sending out a login and password for each child to access online homework which we will assign weekly. It will reinforce concepts we have been teaching in the form of a game. Children earn coins and can spend them in their online world. Bug Club reading books. We will allocate reading books regularly. The books are accessed through the same site and login as the Maths homework. This homework focuses on comprehension so we will be using it as part of our ongoing assessment. Therefore it is very important that your child completes the homework. Keep an eye on the portal for topic related homework.
Spelling tests – we will be giving out spelling words each week Spelling tests – we will be giving out spelling words each week. We will test them on a Friday and then give out new words. Please help your child to practise. Please listen to your child reading their Oxford Reading Tree book and encourage them to enjoy a range of books.
How can I help at home? High frequency word practice. Regular reading. Please read to your child regularly – this is very important to their development. High frequency word practice. Regular reading. Use everyday opportunities to help mathematical development e.g. counting coins at the shop, counting objects accurately. Check our noticeboard to find out what we have been working on in the week.
Award System Sun, star, cloud Children are given a star sticker on their reward chart when they go on the star. When star chart is completed they get a special sticker from Mr Evans. Restorative Practice: Each child is treated the same when a problem occurs.
If you’d like to help… We are hoping to set up a library on a Thursday afternoon if any parents would like to volunteer, please let us know. Mud kitchen – we need a mud kitchen in our outdoor area to help the children to develop mathematical skills in particular. If anybody feels they could lend their expertise, we would be very grateful! Painting – if anybody would like to help us brighten up our fence and table outdoors, please let us know!