Mrs. Masters’ Third- Grade Class Welcome, parents!
Our Team Information Daily Schedule Agendas Homework Social Studies/Science online Class Work Tuesdays Folder/Newsletters Behavior Management Birthdays Report Card Communication
Daily Schedule 8:30 – 9:00 Morning Routine 9:00 – 9:15 Pledge of Allegiance/Attendance 9:15 – 9:40 Morning Meeting 9:40 – 10:10 LLI/Phonics 10:10-10:40 Social Studies/Science 10:40 – 11:25 Specials 11:25 – 11:50 Social Studies/Science Cont. 11:52 – 12:22 Lunch 12:25 – 1:40 Math 1:40 – 2:10 Recess 2:15 – 3:30 Literacy Rotations
Agendas Please check Daily When there is homework, this is the place to find it. Also a great way to communicate with me.
Homework Reading Math 20 Minutes a night* Reading log signed Raz kids (login information coming soon) Math Reinforcement work sheets First in Math (Found in Clever) (lastnamefirstnamemiddleinitial, 6 digit birthday (mastersnicolem, 010203))
Homework Cont. Social Studies/Science Study Guides Reinforcement work Available Online (same login as clever)
1-4 & What do they mean? 1 – Student is struggling to grasp the material 2- Student is working towards meeting the materail 3 – Student is on grade level 4 – Unicorn – Only available with bonus question. Says Student is beyond grade level.
Tuesday Folders/Newsletters All graded papers will come home in the Tuesday folder. Please clean them out and sign the front. Newsletters will be posted on my website and emailed when first posted.
Behavior Management Behavior Chart We Are A Team!!!! Good Behavior Goes up the Chart Bad Behavior Goes Down the Chart Out of this Park comes with a reward/email Strike 3 comes with a referral/think sheet/email home. We Are A Team!!!!
Birthdays Birthdays are meant to be celebrated! Please do not bring in anything with nuts. Preferably store bought or attach a list of ingredients to the birthday treat.
Report Card Dates: November 14 February 8th April13th June 15th
Conferences November 7th Other Dates? Times coming soon 15 minute increments Other Dates?
Scholastic Monthly How does it help? Bimonthly if orders come in early For every $25 earned, the class earns a free book. Points are earned as well, which then buys things for the classroom.
Book It Book It is a program run by Pizza Hut that rewards kids monthly with personal pan pizzas for reading. How can the students earn the pizzas?
Field Trips/Volunteer Finger Print Form All chaperones & volunteers need to be fingerprinted
Math Specialist Are you having trouble helping with your child’s math homework? Are you having trouble understanding “the new math” HELP IS JUST A FEW STEPS AWAY!!! I am located in Room 1 email- Feel free to contact me to set up an appointment concerning any math related issues. ( i.e. extra activities to support your child)
PTO Information PTO Fall Festival OCT 28 1pm – 4pm No Spring Carnival Fall Festival Packet Info Sign up to volunteer at the festival (get free stuff if you sign up to volunteer ☺ ) Donation Request Form Vendor Space Form
Questions? Email: Phone: 540-658-6320
Let’s Have a Great Year!